After the two weeks, Maxwell looks at the newly refurbished ship with an air of excitement and completion. He certainly wouldnt have guessed that he'd be able to cross “Building a Spaceship” off of his bucket list, but there it is. So, with his new whistles, complete with on and off switch, super new vacuum based earphones for total sound reduction to zero to help not go deaf again, its time to get on the ship and head out to some other planets maybe, because it sure as tits doesn't seem like anything is going to happen this planet anytime soon. There seemed to be something about Ryllans or Angers or something, but nothing really happened so far. There's an armada, but they appear to be frozen in time, if you believe it. Maxwell makes sure to run back into the city to grab some more food in case he gets hungry. Which he will. Once he gets back, he stuffs all his shit into the storage units, and lets LeeRoy know that he's ready to go, once he gets done with his new fancy jetpack. Plus, over the past two weeks, the lingering feelings of resentment have dimmed a little bit. The two grown ass men are no longer squabling like children. Yay. Because he certainly didn't want to punch LeeRoy again. Hearing him be angry about it was enough the first time, thank you.