As Joshua sat down he looked back hurriedly to make sure a bomb shell or something didn't go off behind him. Of course he was being overtly dramatic but then again when wasn't he? What the freaking hell was going on here? It turns out it was just some lonely girl sitting on a branch on that tree that he'd somehow overlooked. Oh joy and peace to the world monsters in trees. What did they think themselves some sort of ninja race now. "You people need help..." he said to himself silently as he turned back to humming a tone from an old cartoon he watched as a kid. Then again he couldn't help but listen in, quite literally since he had super hearing thanks to no small part of his monster race, and was somewhat disgusted with frenchy over there with him being a loser and hitting on girls he had quite literally just met. "Man not even the losers in my school were that desperate to get a date. What a punk...he doesn't even have a god dang wing man. Like he could get himself one." Joshua thought to himself as he rocked his legs back and forth. The bus should be coming any time now it was just a matter of time before he could leave behind these gaggle of misfits and just chill out at his own pace. Normally he'd be the center of attention but at this point he wasn't exactly 'excited' to meet new people who were even more friendly than himself. "Walkin' on sunshine is the best term for them...but hey I shouldn't judge a group by it's cover....right?"