Michael added a few things to his suit, that's when an explosion rocked the ship. Michael quickly got into his suit. "Nelson status," Nelson was running to the main part of the ship. "The hulls be comprimised and one of the engines are down," Ghost thought for a moment. "Connor come on I need you meet me at the forth engine." Connor nodded, running toward the forth engine. "I'm here Michael," Michael got the debris from the engine cut with a laser. "Alright see that big red box, there should be a switch there when I say pull it pull it it will allow me enough time to get out." With that he started turning the engine as another engine got shot down, Connor looked over at the entrance to see some soldiers that weren't theirs coming. He got shot at, he threw him sheild hitting one of them. While he jumped down to deal with them, he hit the one in front of him then kicked. "Uhhh Connor pull the switch pull it." He came off of the engine, it didn't slow. "Oh crap," he went under getting hit and hit over and over again. Connor got to the switch and was about to pull it till he saw more soldiers. Ghost kept getting hit, till he got out through the bottem. He was falling toward the ground fast, "JARVIS activate the thrusters," "I can't sit your thrusters are damaged." Ghost cursed just before he hit the ground. Connor watched as Michael fell toward the ground, then he looked at the soldiers they were gone. He sighed, as he walked back into the base. He couldn't believe he hadn't pulled the switch he wondered if he had cost Michael his life for not pulling it. He walked toward the conference room, he didn't know what to say when he would get there.