[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40596/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1213319]Hitsumi, Sakura[/url] Sitting quietly in the middle of her class Sakura idly scribbled notes, occasionally looking up to see what to write down next. She softly sighed under her breath, lazily resting her cheek in her palm with her elbow propped on the desk. She slowly stopped writing notes and began making little animal doodles on the edges of her paper. Today was her birthday and her parents missed it again thanks to business trips. Though they made sure to send her some sort of expensive gift; though she left the box unopened on her bed. Expensive gadgets couldn't sate her loneliness and desire to see her parents more. She eventually gave up, no longer wanting to sit around in class. "May I be excused?" She asked in a soft tone after raising her hand. The teacher looked back and nodded before turning back to the chalkboard. Sakura set her pencil atop her notebook and pushed herself to her feet. Going across the back of the class to leave was simply her style, out of sight from her peers. She pushed through the sliding door and closed it as quietly as she could. Turning around suddenly she slammed into someone, bouncing off him and falling hard onto her rump. She winced, "Owie.." she whimpered under her breath as she rubbed her backside. Looking up she noticed him. The same guy most of the kids were telling rumors about; she thought she remembered that his name was Matthew, but she wasn't one hundred percent sure. "I am sorry." She apologized softly, shyly looking away as she pushed herself back up to her feet. Brushing the dust off the back of her skirt and flattening the creases. "Here, let me get you something from the vending machine to pay you back for bumping into you." She offered, turning to look down the hall at the two vending machines motionless next to the other.