[quote=Eternal_Flame] Any upcoming event syrian? [/quote] Soon, my friend, soon. [quote=BlackBishop] Long awaited IC up! Tremble before the glory of Orc-Kind, soft-skins! [/quote] Finally, I look forward to reading. On a side note, just checked out your RP. Seems pretty cool. One of the things that frustrates me the most about this guild is post flow - one day you have more than you can handle, and then the next two weeks it's just drips and drabs because everyone suddenly gets "busy" IRL. So with that said, I might drop by later and consider participating. [quote=TheRpgGamer] i'm still interested and I think I am gonna return but I think I can only post sometimes and show me the basics of the new updates so i cannot godmod bu accident [/quote] I don't think anyone has gone near you really, so there's not much you can god mod over. Still, you might want to prepare your nation, rumour has it that there's some Dark Elves across the sea that have got beef with everyone for reasons not entirely clear. By rumours I mean, we're literally talking 2 days now, if my count is right.