Nakamura let out a long winded groan as he stared at the clock. Time was virtually at a stand still, it appeared. The second hand of the math class clock appeared to be fighting [i] against [/i] gravity as each grueling moment passed. Nakamura's leg uncontrollably bounced up and down, a defect of his damned anxiety. Cursing under his breath, Nakamura rested his hand on his thigh in hopes of nullifying his restless leg syndrome. [i] Slow down, deep breath, happy thoughts, cute puppies, chill out, et cetera et cetera...[/i] His thoughts soon turned sour as he glanced over to catch Itoe reading the blank pages of her copybook. The neutral expression on Nakamura's face turned into the perpetual scowl that he always associated with the "Ice Queen" of Fujimi Academy. Itoe was always one to boast about her supreme intellect and study habits, but here she was, putting on her smart-girl rouse in order to trick the plebs into believing her, but her gaze was fixated on the empty pages of her book. [i] Always the hypocrite, Itoe. You keep trying to trick these assholes into thinking you're the top dog around here. Won't work on me, no sir. I know your game, I can see through you... [/i] Nakamura's leg started back up. [i] Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, butterflies and parks and stuff. The day's almost over, no need to get worked up right now, Naki. Go for a walk, clear your head. [/i] Nakamura raised his hand and asked his teacher calmly to be excused. The teacher allowed him to do so, probably because Nakamura is hardly ever a problem in class. Nakamura took his leave and let out an alleviated sigh as he made his way down the hall, hands in his pockets and head fixated on the floor. He let his mind wander, something he liked to do more often than not. A good walk, especially in the middle of the school day, would allow his mind to roam and to take his mind off of the things that triggered his anxiety. "Ooof!" Nakamara spun slightly as another student, seemingly in a hurry, brushed past his shoulder. Catching a glimpse of the guy's face, he could see that it was the infamous Yami Kitsugaia: Troublemaker extraordinaire. [b]"What's the rush, guy?"[/b]