[center][b] Jake Sterling [/b][/center] As always Jake was sitting in the library, stacks of books were surrounding him. Barelly making him visible towards those who are aswell in the library. As Jake scrolled trough his ipad, lostening to his music from his ipod and changing the page's of the book he is reading, he also always checked his surrounding. It was something he learned from his old school, something that slipped inside his mind for the bullies that always chased. As he took of his glasses to clean them he coudnt see much, just some blurred books infront of him and people walking by , he placed his glasses back on his head as he kept changing his pages. He already read this book for quite some times and always kept a notebook with important information in his small bag that was hanging on his belt. But for this book there wasn't anything interesting anynore to write about in his notebook, so he closed it. Stood up and started to slowly place back the books he took from their shelves, keeping his eyes on his surrounding.