"Damn teacher, damn principal, damn school, damn country..." If one were to look at Yami Kitsugaia at that exact moment, they would be both fearful and awed by the waves of pure annoyance and anger that seemed to be pulsing off of the tall, broad-shouldered boy in waves. Being sent to the principal's office wasn't something that was entirely new to him. After all, he was one of the biggest troublemakers in the school - and it wasn't just because of the rebellious hair and his refusal to wear the school's stuffy ass uniform. He often just did things that he wanted to do, whether it be making wonderful spraypaint art on the roof of the school's building - more often then not it being his regular 'symbol of vandalism', which is usually a large white skull with demonic red horns coming from it's cranium. Picking fights with the officers, starting arguments just to see the other part become pissed, and then beating their own skull into the ground under a false pretense of it being self-defense. All in the fun of things. But, for some reason, he wasn't feeling the whole 'sitting in the office twirling a ballpoint pin intimidatingly' act was going to work. He had way too much energy due to being cooped up in that stifling classroom with that stifling, wrinkly-assed old bat that went by the human name of 'Nemu', despite her mother and father both being orcs that were sent from World of Warcraft to create an abomitable monster of a daughter. Yeah...it was pretty obvious to see that he was pissed. The hallways seemed to stretch on for hours as the boy walked towards the long corridor that lead to the entrance of the school - and therefore, to the principal's office. That is, until some wise smartass decided to walk by him with a muttered 'Asshole stole my haircut'. Asshole turned to walk to another hallway - just in time, too. Otherwise, an extremely sharp, extremely jagged, and extremely painfully wicked pocketknife would have been embedded inside of his pin-brain. Too bad the wall beside him wasn't lucky enough "Fucker..." Yami cursed, rather loudly and bluntly, yanking the knife from the wall and swiftly pocketing the blade. That boy was...who? Oh....Matthew Humus? Matthew Hymen? Someone he didn't really know all that well, to be honest. 'Psh, let's go with that.' Chuckling to himself, Yami began walking once more, stuffing his hands into his pockets. The principal office waits for no one. Brushing past a shorter student on his 'rush to the office', Yami began walking away with a muttered apology, but was stopped by the sound of the boy's voice. "What's the rush, guy?" "The Principal wants to attempt molestation on another student before the feds decide to bomb this place. Anyways, yo." From the sound and appearance of the boy, he seemed to be someone cool and casual. Talking to him seemed moderately better than going to the principal's office.