Joshua would have fallen out of his seat if he had not had the reflexes he did from all that training his uncles had put him through. But even so he nearly fell over himself anyway as he suddenly spiraled around and looked at the girl with wide eyes and then calmed down after a second. He raised one eye brow, "So then I guess I really need to pay more attention to what's around me if I didn't see you there sister. Well I guess it's nice to meet you but you could be a bit less...creepy. Where I come from we say 'hi' before just sitting next to a person." Joshua said honestly as he straightened his coat out and breathed in deeply again and grabbed his chest, "Man that freaked me out...I thought that a breeze was coming by guess I should've expected another person to come along. But hey it's a free world you can sit where you want heh." Joshua said a bit awkwardly as he watched the girl as she sucked on her candy. He felt a bit weird talking to girls already that weren't proper ladies like the others over there but talking to one as casual as her was a bit more awkward for the young man. "So yeah uhhh you know my name, god knows how, so do you mind telling me yours?" He asked casually as he chuckled nervously.