[B][U]Act 1 scene 1 'Hiro's day drags on"[/U][/B] The Instructor looking at his watch told the class he was leaving early but expected them all to continue studying the next chapter because tomorrow was a test. Groans were heard mixed with stifled cheers as he left them all to their own devices till lunch in 15 minutes. No sooner had the Instructor left than half the class vanished and all but a few actually remained to study. Weighing her options Hiro decided to ditch with the slackers then headed to her locker to fetch her lunch. Not a great cook Hiro had bought an extra large Lunch box from the store near her apartment. It was filled with prawns an rice her two most favorite foods and to drink she had two Red Monkey Juices, they were super sugary kids drinks from Okinawa that most out grew by her age. Heading up to the small roof of the science wing she grabbed a spot she liked to look out at the city from. It was noisy there because of a nearby air circulator by that noise ensured that Hiro had peace during her meal. She sat down in the shade the Circulator and opened her lunch box then took a long drink from her juice which even the Otaku in her club said was so sweet it crossed their eyes.