Although Lily didn't need all that many supplies compared to most other creatures, there was still the matter of replacing her bag; when they stumbled on it by what was likely mostly luck, the thing was already mostly totaled by rats and other vermin, to say nothing about the contents. Just about the only thing that was still salvagable was her sleeping back, which was likely due to it having several enchantments on it. She counted herself lucky for the fact that she always keeps her flask of water on her body rather than in her bag. Sure, it was too sturdy for most critters to destroy it, but that wouldn't matter if they just ran off with it. "Well, I need a new bag," she told the blonde woman, holding up the heavily damaged piece of cloth for effect. "aside from that, I don't really need all that much. I don't need food, and as for water... I don't want to be rude, but I prefer to let nobdy touch my bottle but me." With that bit of preparation taken care of, the Sprite turned to face Gabriel. "Oh, can I join you? I can dance!"