Illiendi listens to all the boy has to say as he had before and no doubt would many hundred, thousand times over should their partnership be fruitful. He listened with all the politeness of a noble man, he observed with the sharp eyed keenness of a hawk and he kept that neutral facade, that visage of neither interest nor disinterest as the words rolled over him. For all the fancy words, for all the beautiful descriptions painted by Amano not one made much difference to what was inherent programming in the demon, it was a shame in some ways and he reflected a moment on that. While most men would find such flowery words weak, he was certain most women would swoon to be spoken to with such eloquence. It was also a shame his master seemed almost petrified of the other sex, or at least keen to avoid them wherever possible. "I understand." He said in that silky, slippery voice of his that licked with the heat of a winters fire and burned ice cold like a frozen lake. There was little else to say, the boys words made sense in a way, had Illiendi been human it would make sense that they learn about one another to better stand a chance at achieving their goals. The simple fact was that Illiendi was not human and such normal human conforms did not need to apply to this situation, he was little more than a sword and shield, a bow and arrow, point and fire and he'd do as he was willed. However, Amano wanted a softer touch, a more personal touch, he'd been a lover to a master before, it had been entertaining for a while and she too had wanted the demon to better know her to attain her own goals. It was something he could do with as much finesse as slipping on a suit, of course this was not the role of a lover, this was a butler, a tutor and a confident, this was a puppet master who had to shape and create a life for a man who dreamed so bountifully. It meant new roles and new behaviours but he was not daunted nor put off and such showed in such an easy and relaxed demeanor. "I will follow your lead then with your family, though our story ought to be straight before you arrive home." Again those warm yet chilling hands slipped out from his sides and straightened the boys posture, hair and clothing as he spoke. His fingers deft and surprisingly gentle as he set to work with practiced ease. "I am Illiendi, I come from across the Lonely sea from the country of Marth. I was taught how to read, write and speak your tongue and schooled in the ways to be a butler. You sent for your own servant with your own coin and received me in reply to your payment. Will your father take offence to you purchasing your own man servant?"