[quote=Litepow] Nakamura said with a smirk. Yami was just as intimidating as the lunchroom chatter suggested: He was burly, mean looking, and even in his moments of what seem to be peace, he looked to be on edge and ready for a fight. He was the embodiment of what a higher education is afraid to produce, a true brute. Despite this, Nakamura tried to straighten himself out and put on a casual mask. Nakamura couldn't help but feel just the teensiest bit afraid of Yami. After all, there was only about a 4 inch height difference and Nakamura was obviously not strong based on an eye test alone. [/quote] "A legend?" Yami raised a sharp black eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest and giving the shorter, yet older teen a surprised expression. He understood that quite a few people knew him as the Close Quarters Combat captain, but a legend? Pshaw! "That's cool. I gotta head to the off-" he began, but was cut off by the intercom suddenly blaring from beside his ears. God damn it. [b]"Yami Kitsugaia report to the offi-"[/b] "Shut the fuck up! Raptor Jesus!" He groaned, flipping the cameras the one-fingered salute, before turning back around and giving Nakamura the peace sign. "Gotta split. Peace out." Yami turned around fully, and jogging towards the office. If he kept the man waiting a second longer, than he'd have an aneurism.