[b]Magnar Six months ago[/b] A merry little fire crackled in the inn grate, the blaze managing to fend of the worst of the cold winter weather. Outside the rain may be beating down like it meant to wash the land clean, but inside the small, smoky inn was cosy. An old grizzled barman polished a dirty glass with a grimy rag, only half listening to the conversation of the group of young men that were his patrons for the night. The boys were laughing and joking, the ale being served fuelling their good humour. Suddenly the door was flung open, a chill wind gusting into the smoky room, killing the conversation dead. A dark figure, hooded and cloaked, stood in the open doorway for a second too long, like he was scouting out the room before going in. Whoever he was, he made for a big sillouhete. [i]Quiet in here tonight. Good, maybe I'll get to eat a meal in peace for once.[/i]Thought the man known as Magnar 'the Undying' as he entered the inn, slamming the door shut behind him. The only other patrons, seeing that the disturbance was over, returned to their conversation. The big barbarian crossed to the counter, the barman looking up at him with a faint scowl, like he was annoyed at having his dish cleaning disturbed. "Got food?" asked Magnar, his voice low and deep. "Aye," answered the Barman "A bowl of fish stew boiling over the fire. Maybe a hunk of yesterdays bread. Probably still good. You want it?" "Aye, and a jug of ale." The Undying took up an empty seat and waited patiently for the inn-keeper to bring him his food. When it arrived he pulled his hood down and dipped his bread into the stew. The first bite was like a taste of párras, but then half rotten gruel would have been delicious to his starved stomach at this stage. He was so enjoying his meal that he didn't at first notice that the conversation coming from the other side of the room had ceased once more. He realised pretty quickly when the drawn knife slammed down into the table top next to his stew though. Magnar's looked slowly up, from the knife to the arm wielding it up to the angry young face behind it. He ignored the boy's friends standing in shocked silence, and the bartender who's mouth lay agape in shock, his dirty dish rag falling from his hands. In his long life Magnar had come to learn there was a time for action and a time for patience. This was one of those latter times, so he just sat and watched the young lad, waiting to see what his next action would be. A lifetime seemed to pass before the boy spoke up. "You're the Undying. Magnar!" the boy spat the words out like they left a bad taste in his mouth. For his part Magnar didn't care to hear the name, but the words were in the air now, naught much he could do about it. The boy wasn't finished yet, so Magnar just sat silently and gave him his time to vent. "I know its you! I've seen you before, down in the vales of Sarendia. You probably don't remember, but you killed my brother down there. Never done nothing wrong my brother, but you cut him down with nary a thought about it. Why would you remember, you've left so many corpses in your wake!" Magnar never took his eyes of the boy, waiting for the lad to make his move. The worst thing about the entire situation was that the boy was right, that Magnar didn't remember killing anyone's brother in Sarendia. The faces of the dead had become a blur over the years. The lad pulled the knife from the table top with a swift jerk, before brandishing it towards Magnar. "Who would care if I killed you right now huh? Who would remember you!" The lads eyes were wide, and Magnar fully believed he would try to stab him. But what would the Undying do? He knew he could reach across and grab the knife from the young fool easily enough, turn the blade and plunge it deep in his accusers chest. But he was terrified to do that, not because he was afraid to take action, but because he knew what would happen afterwards. He knew he would have to put the boys friends down to, and then were would it end? Blood only gets more blood, Gods know if there's one thing he had learnt, it was that. Maybe it was time, time to just let some young pup get the better of him and put an end to it. Wouldn't the world be a happier place without him in it? Probably, but Magnar wasn't quite ready to leave it yet. There had to be a way to deal with this without anyone dying. A way for him to be a better man. "I'm sorry about you're brother," said Magnar. And he meant it, he really did. He was about to continue when a sudden boom of thunder, impossibly close, cut him off. It seemed like the sound had come from right before him, but that couldn't be right. But then he didn't believe in flying green rings either, but one seemed to be floating right in front of him, as real as the nose on the front of his face. "Magnar the Undying of space sector 17, you have shown the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps." said the ring. "Uhhhh..." responded Magnar, before being enveloped in a green glowing energy. [b]Present Day[/b] Another world, and a new life. Magnar had acclimatised to his new life as a Green Lantern recruit quite well, his world of bizarre magic preparing him for all the incredible sights quite well. Kilowog had been a hard trainer, but Magnar was well used to the life of a soldier, and he felt he had impressed the big alien with his aptitude for ring combat. After all, it was just another weapon to master. He pushed his way into the Green Lanterns inn, the New Warriors eatery. Magnar had developed quite a liking for the place, enjoying just sitting in a bar were no one knew his face or was trying to kill him for past deeds. The eatery was largely empty, save for one patron that he recognised as another recruit named Kav. Kav was a pacifist, something Magnar just couldn't wrap his head around, but wished he could. The younger man looked sad, his head in his hands. Magnar went and got a couple of 'beers' (A drink that put his worlds ale to shame) and took them to sit next to Kav. Without saying anything he pushed a beer across to the other recruit, waiting to see if the younger man would open up.