[B]Name:[/B] Addar ibn Nahbeeh [B]Species:[/B] Djinn [B]Court:[/B] Primarily Seelie with various ties to the Unseelie. [B]Title:[/B] Sultan Addar ibn Nahbeeh, Emir of Astoria, and Malik of Antiquities [B]Appearance:[/B] [Hider=Everyday Addar][img=http://360celsiusblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/mustache-and-beard-styles-championship-4-750x350.jpg?w=610][/hider] [Hider= High Court Traditional][img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nfwXs7wIaYM/UcHUsVsQiMI/AAAAAAABmbw/cAmg-Nue5L4/s1600/Old+Photos+of+Jews+in+The+Middle+East+and+North+Africa+in+The+Late+19th+Century+%252818%2529.jpg][/hider] Addar ibn Nahbeeh is a fey of refined taste and charming eccentricity. The skin on his face though seeming to be pleasantly worn with the lines of wisdom and laughter does little to reflect his true age or breadth of knowledge and the dusky desert colored flesh speaks to a heritage far from New York. He is of a normal build for his kind and while he has avoided the hefty weight that his sometimes large indulgence could possibly bring, he is also no prize athlete. He keeps himself well groomed and dressed in the finest clothing he can procure, all fashioned after the tastes of the Victorian gentleman he loves to read about, except for the traditional Bedouin robes, brocaded sashes, and elaborate weaves he often wears to Seelie Court functions. Addar tends to prefer gray, silver, and black silks and suits, cut in the most Victorian fashion. He often styles his full, silver colored beard in a wild and daily changing manner and will typically wear some manner of head covering be it an elegant bowler or a traditional keffiyeh. Like many of his other tastes he tends towards finely crafted clockwork jewelry, exquisitely ornate walking sticks, and pleasant smelling oils. [B]Background:[/B] Born in Istanbul in the early 1900's Addar traveled the Near, Middle, and Far East as he grew up under the tutelage of his parents and a troupe of Seelie Court Nobles. Much of this time, when not physically traveling, was spent in Court Enclaves where time was slowed granting him a knowledge base beyond his physical years. As he matured Addar was faced with a choice, he was the youngest of three brother Djinn and even if he were to inherit in the Court of the Crescent Moon in Istanbul it would be an inheritance of a minor Prince behind his brothers. His other option would be to leave the Court of the Crescent Moon and travel to another Court and attempt to rise within it to a position of power. As his elder siblings would take his father's seat in the Court of the Crescent Moon the later option seemed the most opportunistic to Addar and opportunity is what Addar is all about. He traveled the world as a treasure hunter briefly and often perilously before coming to rest in Astoria in the Queens Borough of New York City and this put him at the heart of the Red Oak Dutchy and the Summer Court. He quickly began to apply his Machiavelli like skills and by 2018 his prowess in statecraft saw him titled as the Emir of Astoria, a part of the Queens Borough roughly closed in by the East River, Queens Boulevard, and highway 278 and conveniently right across the East River from the seat of Seelie power. During the past three years Addar's role in Court has become more and more noticeable for a minor fey noble and Astoria is becoming unofficially known as a place where Fey of all ilk are welcomed as long as they take the time and enjoy the pleasure of meeting with the Emir. In reality Addar is beginning to cultivate allies on all levels among all Courts and in all factions with the hope of uniting New York City into its own new and modern Dutchy where all fey are welcome, a new unity separate from the stuffy and antiquated Red Oak Dutchy. Of course Addar leading this new Dutchy, in his mind, is just a fringe benefit. Addar has also occupied another unique niche in the New York Court, openly... but not politely talked about, in the Seelie Court and covertly for Unseelie clients. Addar is a fence of some repute when it comes to the fey communities. It is known that, for the right price, he can move just about anything from information to smuggling actual fey and their beloved artifacts. To the Seelie Court his abilities are sought out in the side rooms and alcoves of the Court and never, as of yet, discussed openly no matter how often his skills are called upon. A few somewhat trusted Unseelie know him for who he is and have sought his services and he provides them more and more as the year pass. [B]Personality:[/B] The Malik of Antiquities is above all, a charmer, he enjoys the spotlight and wears it well at Court or in a small group. Addar typically knows what to say and when exactly to say it, he has a snake charmers confidence without the sly stickiness of a snake oil salesman. He loves to show other fey his hospitality and asks so very little in return, which is the way he endeavors for others to perceive their relationships with him. Behind this genuine concern and kindness is a fey of a supremely manipulative nature that will permit most anything and plan even the most devious acts as long as it advances his cause and he remains in favor. [B]Talent:[/B] Machiavellian. Addar is extremely cunning often hatching schemes within schemes that interact with overarching webs of duplicity, statecraft, politics, and court maneuverings. He has a platinum tongue, honeyed words, and an incredibly sharp mind. [B]Knack:[/B] Networking and favor calling. The Emir of Astoria never forgets a face or debt and has more than a handful of well-placed favors ready to be called upon if the need arises. [B]Flaw:[/B] Besides the difficulty in maintaining his ever widening web of plots the Sultan Addar has a fondness, bordering on the clinically obsessive, for fine hashish. He is also a strict adherent to the rules of hospitality, no matter what. [B]Major Skills:[/B] Speech Craft, Polyglot, Appraisal: specialization in Near, Middle, and Far East charms, Fence [B]Glamers:[/B] Naaru-s-samuum [I]II[/i] Eros [I]II[/I] and Twyling [I]I[/I] [B]Charms:[/B] Addar makes his regular home in the antique shop of a semi-wealthy Egyptian immigrant. His main source of charm comes from humans viewing and trading in these artifacts. This home is a comfortably appointed enclave in a antique ivory sculpture of a hunting falcon from Istanbul's distant past. The enclave is a comfortable place, no Seelie noble palace but the Seelie noble that used his art to bring it into being did so very skillfully. Its primary feature besides the beautiful melding of traditional and contemporary style is that time is slowed dramatically while inside the enclave. A common room that would be the "darkened" part of a the disk if viewing a crescent moon is a common area, piled with low seating, tables, and airy wall hangings. The actual smaller "crescent moon" of the disk is a series of four private rooms, two bedrooms, a study, and a gallery. [Hider=The Emir's Enclave][img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb743wfo0D1ri2h8so1_400.jpg][/hider] He also keeps two small physical (non-extra dimensional) getaways stashed with sequestered crystals and capacitors. Both locations are in Astoria, one in an Arabic poetry lounge on the north side, and another more secure location in an East River market. [B]Artifacts:[/B] Most of his sword canes while beautifully crafted are also the product of enchantment. Over time he has gathered many favors from both apt and novice enchanters and each cane has a varying degree of either natural or magical poison. While some are indeed deadly, one or two quickly so, most are just painful and all have antidotes that the skilled alchemist or enchanter can conjure. The "key" to his enclave in the Astoria Egyptian Antique Shop is a resplendent silver arm cuff with a brilliant ruby fragment. Only the wearer of this cuff can enter the enclave or permit people to enter. It would take a powerful fey skilled in Twyling to enter without permission. [B]Mount/Conveyance:[/B] A tamed Belted Kingfisher named Fahalad and sometimes in antiquities when it serves his purpose. [B]Allies:[/B] Quite a few prominent Seelie Court members are indebted to him in some manner or another and he to them in other manners. Calling on these type of people at unplanned times tends to stretch or even break his well woven web so it is something Addar is loath to do unless it fits his scheme. There are a few Unseelie members, mostly Goblins and Alfar that are also lines in his web though they often are unaware of his actual nature. [B]Equipment:[/B] Addar carries little in the way of "gear". The primary things besides his everyday accouterments would be his hand crafted hashish cigarillos and his various ornately crafted sword canes, the later of which he can use passably well to defend himself with but he will not be leading any attacks.