[b]Ava was a bit shocked when her new bodyguard continued with his attitude, even when they went to the barn & climbed onto their horses. Andreios didn't seem to be interested in socializing with her at all, even when she asked him where he was from. Pouting a little, Ava paid more attention to their trek, feeling at ease on top of her horse now. It was so calm & quite outside, & the snow covering the ground made her feel like she was being swallowed by the color white. For the most part, the pair stayed on the main trail, Ava becoming more adventurous when she realized her bodyguard didn't know the trail to her mother himself. With a bit of a smile, she stopped her horse when they passed a less-traveled trail, one that was shorter, but not as well groomed as the usual path. "Let's go this way, Mister," Ava told Andreios with mischief in her eyes, "Papa always makes me go the safe way." Before Andreios could stop her, Ava was on the shortcut trail, entranced by how much more plant-life there was. For the most part, she dodged the low-hanging branches fairly well, tiny twigs sticking into her hair as she ducked down. However, the young woman's luck ran out when she reached a branch with sturdier pieces than she anticipated. Her hair caught on the wooden vice & refused to let up when she tugged. With a squeak, Ava tried to pull her horse to a stop & he began to get a little nervous, still walking forward slowly. "M-mister!" Ava called out, still trying to tug her hair free as she hooked her ankles into her horse's sides, "Mister, I'm s-stuck!" [/b]