The butler looked at the trapped girl with indifference as he stood up to his full height now. "You are of Warwick blood, yes?" He said this with no hesitation, as if already knowing that she was of royal blood. Blinking out of their trance, the man dug the knife a bit further into Angela's neck. "S-Stay back! I don't know who...or what the hell you are, but one step closer and I'll-" "Silence mutt!" The butler turned his crimson gaze on him and genuine anger could be seen there. Yelping, the men finally released the girl and backed away. The butler turned to Angela once more and gave the slightest of smirks. His teeth were not human, almost animal teeth. Bending down, peered closer to the girl and sniffed. The trial eventually led him to her still bleeding neck. His eyes flickered. "Are you the one who has given me this gift?"