I know that you guys are still accepting and was wondering if I could jump in? My "I need some Pokemon" jitters are kicking in... [hider=Scarlet Dyre][b]Username:[/b] [i]Mad Scarlet[/i] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Scarlet Dyre[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]17[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i624.photobucket.com/albums/tt322/mewmewgirl4886/New_Hawk-1.jpg] [b]Affiliation:[/b] [i]Team Rocket[/i] [b]Bio:[/b] [i]Scarlet was born to a young, inspired artist and her Grunt husband. Of course, her mother never approved of her father's work, but she rarely said anything about it and simply enjoyed the little time that he spent at home with his family. Scarlet barely knew her father, because he was either in jail or dealing in the black market in order to put food on the table and keep her and her mother happy. For all that she knew, her father was her knight in shining armor, because he was her mother's knight in shining armor. Because her mother loved him so much, she would oftentimes hide away in their small garage to paint with the help of her Smeargle, but that meant that Scarlet had all the time in the world to herself before her father came home at the end of the month. And whenever he did come home, he would often bring her gifts, probably not legal, but they were gifts all the same. Whether it was a bracelet make from Sharpedo's teeth or a stuffed Meowth toy, she loved it with all of her heart. But when he left, so did her mother, and she was left alone. Like most children, this began to take a toll on how she viewed the world and how little she began to speak. It wasn't obvious to her parents at first, but slowly and surely, she stopped speaking altogether. Her parents began to worry about her health, and since she was sixteen at the time, they decided that she was in dire need of some company, so her father complied. On her seventeenth birthday, he brought her a small egg and told her to take care of it as if it were her own child. Now, Scarlet simply assumed that he didn't even know what kind of Pokemon that he brought back to her, but she hear a few weeks later that he had stolen it from one of the black markets in a far off city and was hospitalized due to the punishment that he received. Her mother grew distraught when he did not return for nearly two months and soon fell ill from her heartbreak. By then, the egg had finally hatched to reveal a female Absol, whom was promptly named "Amya" (midnight rain). Her mother took that as a sign that her father had died and they had not been completely notified, so her condition grew worse. That is when Scarlet promised her mother that she would do anything and everything in her power to bring him home to her before she completely faded away.[/i] [b]Pokemon:[/b] [img=http://sampson.washcoll.edu/~battavian2/absol2.png] [u]Name:[/u] [i]Amya[/i] [u]Gender:[/u] [i]Female[/i] [u]Current Level:[/u] [i]15[/i] [u]Ability:[/u] Pressure [u]Current Moves:[/u] [i]Pursuit, Quick Attack, Detect, and Perish Song.[/i][/hider]