In shock and awe, Felix remained still, and silent. He moved only to touch his own face, where he had been stung a little? This was a new sensation for him, this had never happened before. He had been slapped, yes, but this whole being rejected, whilst simply being friendly. It was thrilling and devastating, he wanted to speak to her more, yet wanted nothing to do with her now, a strange twist of feelings entangled the incubus, but all he could do was remain still, and silent. He then heard the other girl, one of the more friendly ones from earlier, but now she seemed a bit darker...Suggesting of all things, that something should happen to him? Did not something just happen to him! A Slap! And a Tidal wave of emotion! He looked at both the girls, one trying to hide, the other trying to help her, but it didn't seem like it would be good for him, he then looked at the others briefly, a total lost and confused look on his face, he then looked back to the scared girl and finally found words, "Did I do something wrong?" He answered his own question in his mind, [i]No, I did no wrong here, she just just be... shy, yes.... that is it! SHE must be Shy![/I]