How long had it been since he had last made this jump into the world of mortals? It was kind of a hard question to answer, simply because when the children of the first, second and third verse descended for the first time, concepts such as Past, Present and Future were little more then theories that were still being debated over in order to work out any foreseeable issues. As he closed his eyes and kept his wings pressed firmly against his sides, Torrential smiled to himself as he felt the wind rushing past in an utter gale, blocking out lesser sounds in its fury at being cut off by a sudden falling object. It had been far to long since he had last done this. Keeping his wings firmly pressed against his sides, Torrential finally opened his eyes to get an idea of where he was going to land. It was a completely cloudless night, the sandy expanse beneath him extending for almost as far as the eye could see. His eyes narrowed in concentration as his horn glowed for a few seconds. Slamming into a desert face first might not have been as bad as face planting into a mountain, but by no means did that mean it didn't hurt like all hell. Where once it was a clear night sky, thick clouds suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere, covering the sky. Torrential plowed through the first layer of cloud with little resistance, the moisture from the quickly vanishing cloud doing a far bit to cool down the falling alicorn. The second cloud layer also got punched through easily enough, with the third managing to slow his decent a little. Striking the fourth layer of cloud, Torrential opened his wings as the momentum he was traveling at the ground at was now simply reckless instead of outright suicidal like before. Pulling up was a major strain, his newly recreated wings having never had to deal with such a challenge before. As he managed to right himself, his back hooves started to dig into the ground, his teeth gritting as the trench he was quickly digging in order to slow himself down further quickly grew deep enough to hide him from view. After what felt like a lifetime (And considering the ongoing war, it just might have) Torrential came to a stop at last. Somewhat embedded in the ground, He took the time to breath deeply as he felt something very familiar and welcome touch his back; A falling raindrop. It was soon followed by another, then another. After that third one numbers became meaningless as the sky above unleashed a torrent of water the likes of which the ground below would not have seen for years. After a few minutes, a completely drenched, mud covered alicorn rose from the hole in the ground he had made with a wide, almost foal like smile on his face as he started to laugh and fly around in the rain at speeds much slower then those of his decent. As the mud that covered him started to fall away from the fresh water showering him and the foal like flying stunts he was pulling, Torrential Waters closed his eyes as the roar of the falling rain filled his senses. It felt so good to be back.