Ray emptied the cannons onto the slaver ship's deck and drew his rapier. "Time to repel boarders!" He climbed up onto the deck and began cutting his way through the slavers. None stood a chance against him and his deft strikes. He would slap away their clumsy swings with his thin blade and riposte, felling in single strikes. His arm behind his back, Ray began shouting lyrics over the din of battle. "Here's a health to the king and lasting peace To faction end, to wealth increase Come let us drink while we have breath For there's no drinking after death And he that will this health deny Down among the dead men Down among the dead men Down, down, down, down Down among the dead men let him lie!" He had slain a dozen-and-a-half before a lieutenant came forward. "Leave him," he barked. "He's mine." The lieutenant held an ornate saber, ivory handled and wickedly sharp. He twirled it with experienced ease and grinned at Ray, who simply bowed and took a duelist's stance. The slaver lieutenant lunged forward; Ray tried to parry, but found that the saber strikes were too heavy to simply be flicked away. Ray quickly found himself on the defensive, surrounded by a ragged circle of onlookers. Forced back by the vicious onslaught, he bumped into the opposite rail of the Coral Pearl. The lieutenant surged forward and brought down his saber on Ray, who, momentarily distracted by the railing, angled his parry poorly, resulting in his rapier getting sliced through. The lieutenant readied his killing blow, then widened his eyes in surprise. Ray drew and fired his reserve derringer and took back the momentum, plunging the broken blade of his rapier into the man's neck. He seized the slain lieutenant's saber and charged into the shocked onlookers with a frenzy. Ray was mad. He was covered in arterial spray, his clothes were now ruined, his favorite Lendrian steel rapier was broken and, worst of all, he was almost beaten by a filthy slaver. He only survived because he had [i]cheated[/i]! His pride couldn't stand it, so he took out his frustrations on the unlucky sods who got in his way, cleaving through with his saber and stabbing and parrying with the broken remains of his rapier.