I'm not sure if you guys know but a recent ruling here in the US has eliminated net neutrality, the feature of communications law which prevents ISPs from charging differing rates for bandwidth and allowing sites with large financial backing to shoulder little sites like roleplayerguild to the curbside. The internet literally depends on net neutrality and it is now gone which means all this may also be gone in the near future. For those interested in helping to fight this and who live in the US, I'll leave a link to the current Whitehouse petition to get this decision overturned. [url=https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/restore-net-neutrality-directing-fcc-classify-internet-providers-common-carriers/5CWS1M4P#thank-you=p]Petition[/url] For everyone else, please do what you can if you understand what net neutrality is and realize how vital it is to a healthy and innovative internet. Spread the word, this concerns us all.