Up in his tower, overlooking the land of Shae, Lawrence Caldwell placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, as one would put a hand on the shoulder of an old friend. "The time is coming," He said, and the runes on the stone sword glowed red as it replied. "The storm is on it's way. Are you certain you should be here, instead of facing it as we once did?" Lawrence shook his head sadly. "My time has come and gone. Now my purpose is to cultivate the next generation, so that they may stand against the darkness in my place." He turned from the window and sat at his desk, leaning the sword against it. "The students should be arriving soon. I must prepare for them." ------ Britnia landed at the entrance, looking up at the giant gates in awe. She psyched herself up and stepped over the threshold, almost taking flight again when the guard addressed her. "Name miss?" He asked in a polite but somewhat bored voice. "Britnia," She answered, calming down, and the guard nodded, not checking any kind of list before waving her in. "You're expected this year. Head on in, the headmaster will be in shortly." A bit surprised at the ease of entry, she fingered the Wind charm on her bracelet. "Thank you mother," She whispered as she moved inside, winding up in a grand dining hall that already had people in it.