A mirror appeared infront of each player. Then a huge monster like appeared. "Welcome. You guys are now going to be stuck in the game. No. There isnt no glitch, the log out button was takened away. So there wont be no leaving. Unless you guys die. But if you guys die here....you will die in the real world. In order for you to save yourself and others. It would be to beat the game. On the 100th floor. The final boss. When you kill it. You passed. And everyone who was alive gets to stay alive in realvlife. Everyone who was dead....well sorry. Goodluck." He dissapeared. Lily grabbed the mirror and her whole body was sorrounded by a white light. Her appearence was now her real life form. Which it was still pink hair and long. HEr body was curvy and she just stood there looking around,scared. "This means...who...ever dies here.... dies in real life....!" She said to herself and looked at the mirror seeing her real life form. "What the?!"