After the situation began to cool down and the shadows had been dispatched Rei couldn’t help but groan in disgust. Not at the life threatening events that had just came and went, she was already sufficiently shell-shocked from the ordeal, but at the underclassman clinging to the leg of one of the guys. Her childish muttering only made it more despicable to her. [b]”What're you, a bro-con? Ugh...”[/b] She scoffed under her breath, turning her sight away in time to watch her own persona dissipate into the ether as the room thankfully returned to its normal carpet floored state. For the first time since the fight broke out Rei looked to her hand which had begun to sting, three deep scratches ran across it, no doubt from the shadows claws. The pain was an unwelcome reminder that what had just happened was as real as real could get. When she heard the door click open she looked towards it, towards the burly teacher that ended. Her good hand quickly met her face, Kaminari couldn’t have picked a worse time to show up. Despite everything she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed to even be seen in the room, and the younger girl trying to explain what happened to a grown adult only made it worse. No one in their right mind would believe such an absurd story, she could hardly even believe she wasn’t hallucinating from a gas-leak or something herself. Rei was already grabbing her bag and turning to head up to her room before the teacher even gave the order. She hadn’t even got to pick a room before things went south, no matter how you looked at it the first day in the dorm was a disaster. The girl ran up the stairs to the girls floor and picked an empty room, tossing her bag inside and heading immediately to one of the bathrooms where she carefully applied disinfectant to the scratches and bandaged her hand up, wincing at the contact to the wound. After returning to her room her next few hours would be spent unpacking and getting used to the new surroundings. It was your average dorm room, a desk with a laptop, a bed, a dresser and a small TV. She imagined the room could have felt small to anyone with their own room at home, but it was certainly less cramped then she was used to. After everything that happened Rei was simply content to lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling half asleep for the rest of the night. Still she was awoken around midnight when a sheet of paper slid under her door and she reluctantly had to retrieve it. She only gave it a quick glance before returning to bed, that was all it needed and she felt much too exhausted to care for doing much else before finally falling to sleep. --- The night was late, well after each of the dorm residents had fallen into a deep sleep. In each of their minds a sound would play against their subconscious. A click, and the slow creaking of door hinges. And then, a voice, starting as if blurred and distant but growing closer, clearer with each word. [b]”Welcome to the Velvet Room”[/b] The feminine voice called out to each of the residents, bringing their minds to lucidity in the gently swaying blue coated room. [b]”Today you have all faced the first of many ordeals to come in your journey.”[/b] Priscilla spoke calmly as she stood behind the desk of the Velvet Room. The heavy time she carried was set upon it and Igor was absent from the room. [b]”I had feared I would have to intervene to spare your lives but in the end you managed to scrape by on your own abilities, congratulations!” [/b] The woman continued with a bright smile on her face, giving a short applause for the group before speaking once more. [b]”For this I am glad, my master would have frowned upon such an intrusion and I shudder to think how you would even begin to explain the damage my intervention could have caused!”[/b] Priscilla slouched a bit and shook her head for a moment before quickly straightening her posture and giving a light 'ahem', seemingly embarrassed at the rambling digression. [b]”But I digress, you were not brought here for a simple chat. In your strife some of you have awakened to your persona! And with that, it is my duty to log your progress in the compendium. Furthermore, in the awakening of your persona the arcana which ties you and your persona together becomes clear!” [/b] The woman spoke enthusiastically as she looked between the group, the book sat upon the table flipping open as if on its own accord. [b]”Now, those of you that have summoned your persona please step forward. I will take log and if you wish inform you of the arcana that has risen within.”[/b] Priscilla paused for a moment once again before raising an index finger toward the ceiling with a small huff. [b]”Though, I am required by my master to state that it is entirely your choice if you wish to be told of your arcana. The implications of such things may be... disturbing to some. Along with this I am also required to state that any information divulged in regards to an arcana is strictly private between myself and the holder. I am not permitted to speak to anyone other than the arcana's holder about such things.”[/b] The attendant delivered the legal-esque information quickly in a single breath, letting out a puff of air when she finally finished and looked back towards the group with a smile once more. [b]”Now then, please step forward. And by all means if you have any questions do feel free to ask, I shall do my best to answer.”[/b]