[indent][b]Elizabeth Berezi Sendoa[/b][/indent] The day at camp ended the same way every day for Elizabeth: she went back to her cabin after a day of training to change in clothes that weren't sweaty and then went to the large camp fire. Nothing was new. It was nice being at camp, where she was safe from the dangers that lived in the outside world, but at the same time she didn't like staying in the same place year after year. Her mother passed away a few years after Elizabeth's birth, leaving her a child of a God that couldn't find time to visit with no home outside of camp. She sighed irritably, removing herself from her negative thoughts. Elizabeth sat in a wicker chair that faced a window in her cabin. The window didn't show much, as it was on a wall that faced the forest, but it was still a peaceful place. The demi-god had just finished sparring in the arena with some children of Ares. Of course, the training ended early due to injury on someone, not her thankfully. She had left to her cabin after the training ended, as she had nowhere else to be. Elizabeth did have friends, but they were very casual friends. She stood suddenly, stripping herself of her dirty shirt and shorts. There were no other children of Poseidon at camp, she had the cabin to herself. It was nice to not have any siblings at camp, but it could get lonely. Elizabeth changed into some clean clothes and left the cabin. She tried to run her fingers through her curly and very uncontrollable hair, but gave up soon after starting. She caught sight of the growing fire and the logs that surrounded it. Without meaning to she gave a frown, not too excited to spend an hour around the element that disagreed with her the most. She could feel the shores of the ocean calling to her, the beach wasn't too far away. Perhaps she could sneak away, it wasn't like anyone would notice. Just as she was contemplating ditching a voice called her name. She looked over in the direction that the call came from and smiled forcefully. It was Kate, a daughter of Ares that she had sparred with earlier. "[b]Come sit with us![/b]" Kate called. Elizabeth went willingly, sitting with the other children of the war God. They weren't a welcoming type, but they didn't mind Elizabeth because her sour attitude was very similar to their own. "[b]Did you get that black eye I gave you fixed?[/b]" Kate asked. Elizabeth answered by looking her in the eye. Both of her dark eyes were perfectly fine. "[b]Did you get that broken finger fixed?[/b]" Elizabeth retorted. Kate waved her working pinky in Elizabeth's face as Elizabeth had done with her eye. Elizabeth smiled a genuine smile and turned back to the fire. Letting it's heat warm her bare arms and face while she waited for Chiron to give his usual speech. ----- [indent][b]Michael Alexander Malleum[/b][/indent] Leading a cabin of teenagers that made weapons in their free time was harder than their previous cabin leader had made it out to be. A year ago Michael had been made cabin leader, partly because he was the oldest and partly because he worked the hardest. He had spent the entire day going through orders that had been put in for new weapons, there had been an 'accident' in the arena that involved Greek fire, and half of their stock of weapons had been lost. This was why Michael wasn't in the best of moods. His hands were charred black from the machinery that helped create the celestial bronze weapons, he had a pounding headache and someone had dropped a mallet on his foot so now he had a slight limp. The day was over, so now he didn't have to continue working until tomorrow. "[b]Tomorrow,[/b]" He started in a loud voice, getting the attention of every demi-god in the cabin, "[b]We are going to finish replenishing the missing stock.[/b]" With that announcement he received a few groans of protest, but no one argued. Michael went to his bunk and was taken to the small room that lay underneath it. He changed out of the grease ridden clothes quickly, glancing at his reflection in the mirror for a moment, then heading back up to the cabin and out of his small, private room. "[b]Come on, let's go to the camp fire. I'll ask Chiron if we can get some help to get finished faster tomorrow.[/b]" The majority of the cabin came out after Michael, the others were too tired to even get out of bed. Normally Michael would've made them get out of bed, but he felt just as tired as they did. They got to the campfire after everyone else, it seemed. Groups of demi-gods took up most of the large log benches that surrounded the fire. The Hephaestus children found an empty log and took up all of it. Michael didn't sit, he was scanned the crowd for a certain centaur. After unsuccessfully finding Chiron Michael sat next to his younger siblings. Most of them were nodding off, some were in conversation. Michael didn't say anything to any of them, he only looked into the flames of the fire. The bright light created by the flames didn't hurt his eyes, it was one of the perks of being the son of the God of the forge.