Once the last Shadow fell, Hoshiko's chest heaved and she felt drained. With each arrow Cupid had fired, some of her strength went with it. Her Persona had faded away, and the floor returned to normal. The second year fell to the floor, leaning against a wall. "Wow, that was rough..." She said exasperatedly, not even trying to question what exactly [i]that[/i] was. Her mind was much too tired for that. Touko was holding onto Ken's leg for dear life, which made Hoshiko sort of sad. They were all pretty shocked and terrified, but she seemed to be taking it especially hard. It wasn't long after that when the teacher watching over the dorm came in, named Kanimari. He was a terrifying man, in his stature, and when he slammed his fist down to accentuate his point, Hoshiko darted up the stairs with little more than a scared "Yessir!". In her room, she got in her pajama pants (floral print, of course), and a white tank top, and began surfing the web for anything she could about what had occurred. The girl turned up little to nothing. Frustrated, she was ready for bed, but a knock followed by a note slipped under the door coaxed her to get up. It was from Touko, saying that they should all meet behind the gym at lunch. Nodding her head, Hoshiko placed the note on her desk, and laid down on her bed, ready for sleep. --- In the dead of sleep, a creaking door brought Hoshiko's subconscious into the blue of the Velvet Room. [i]Huh? This feels...familiar...[/i] She thought, before realizing the others were there as well. It was coming back to her now...this was where her dream from the night before came from! Hoshiko's eyes focused on the woman behind the desk, the old man seemingly not around. She congratulated them on their achievement, and how she was glad she didn't have to intervene. [i]Intervene?...She hardly looks like she could do anything very destructive. Then again, neither do we...[/i] The girl thought to herself, remembering their Personas. Priscilla offered to reveal to them the arcana they held, as she logged things in her book, asking the ones who had awakened their Persona to step forward. Weren't arcana those things on tarot cards that fortune tellers used? Like the ones from the first dream, and the old man! Tentatively, Hoshiko stood. "Well, I have no idea what these arcana have to do with things, but...sure, I'll give it a go." She smiled at Priscilla, before stepping forward a bit more.