[B]Profile Reconstruction[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Daryna Elehex (Aliases: Khel Daryna, Hex. Extranet Aliases: UglyAsari919, DaddysDrell919) [B]Race:[/B] Drell [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Class:[/B] Adept Manipulator (Custom Subfield) [B]Appearance (Art by Katakanasta):[/B] [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/159/8/f/portrait_by_katakanasta-d52pl9l.jpg] [B]Background: [/B] Daryna's parents, Era and Tivan, were guards for a Hanar merchant vessel supplying Hanar merchants across the galaxy. They didn't know each other before enlisting, but it was very nearly love at first sight for the pair as they were both assigned to guard the captain, and they couldn't resist their feelings for each other. Note that Daryna's mother and father were only eighteen and nineteen respectively, and this was their first mission off Kahje. They broke the rules of the very conservative, disciplined captain by having relations while on duty and were kicked off on their current stop, Omega in a bout of fury. The captain declared that by betraying him, they betrayed all Hanar and didn't deserve to live on Kahje. They were stranded on Omega for nine months, Tivan providing for her mother, Era, who was impregnated on the ship.They married while on Omega. They were lost, never experiencing a world that wasn't Kahje, and they were overwhelmed and vulnerable. Era volunteered to be a test subject for an elusive, mad Batarian scientist, who would expose the fetus to Element Zero in dangerous combinations and doses with other drugs, however Era was told that the baby was receiving medicines and vaccines that could prevent her from dying from Kepral's Syndrome. In return, the Batarian gave Era some food and supplies. Daryna was born in a dirty back alley of the lowest of Omega's slums, with only Tivan there to help the process along. Not long after, they managed to stow away on a public transport vessel headed for Kahje. It was dangerous, especially for the baby, but it was for Daryna that they risked it. Era never told the scientist her plans since it was so sudden and he only got to see Daryna once when she was a few days old. Their vessel never reached Kahje, however, but was waylaid by pirates, taken by a vicious Krogan pirate-warlord known as Ravanor Irdon. Everyone was sold into slavery who was riding above-deck, and Irdon took over the ship. The Elehexes managed to stay hidden for one more day before they were discovered. Irdon was furious, but he also saw that they had a baby with them. He asked Tivan for their family name, and then asked for the name of the baby. When Tivan told him, he and his wife Era were killed, but even Irdon could not bring himself to murder the baby. A Krogan pirate, Khel Galdor, offered to take the baby and sell her, however he took sympathy on her and her parents, deserted the pirate band and raised her on his own on Illium, where his girlfriend, an Asari named Weliyah, lived. This dysfunctional family was shaky at first, and always dirt poor, but they survived, and eventually grew a very good, close relationship. Weliyah and Galdor eventually married and agreed to officially adopt Daryna when she was around a year old. Daryna Elehex's early life, full of death and surprises, would also be a prediction of her future. She lived in the slums of Illium, overlooking the beautiful city where the beautiful Asari lived. Weliyah was a merc and Galdor was an engineer. Daryna grew up with many repressed feelings. She went to school with Asari, and she was the only Drell she had ever known. She didn't learn about Drell in school until she was eleven, and previously had to educate herself on the extranet and from what her adoptive parents would tell her about her race, so she always was an outsider. She thought her entire life that the standard of beauty was Asari: Asari fashion, Asari speech, and most importantly Asari looks. As a blue Drell, she was often called the "Ugly Asari" by her classmates, and always believed that she was ugly. She discovered she was gay in her early teen years and admiring the beauty of Asari only made her feel worse, so she was all but asexual for most of her life. Daryna has never had more than a passing relationship. Daryna has had medical problems all of her life. Her eidetic memory, when it triggers, causes her to become very dizzy and unstable, and sometimes she has eidetic memories that never happened in the first place. In a good month, this will happen only around five times. When she's undergoing high stress, this could be a daily problem. In middle school, when she was being bullied and at her lowest point, she had a whole other life in fabricated eidetic memories that only a specialist helped her sort out. This means that she has a serious problem separating fact from fiction, but has tried to be in contact with the best therapists to help her with this. This disorder is called "Olindra Syndrome" and occurs naturally in around one in five million Drell babies. As less than 400,000 Drell were rescued by the Hanar, it is likely that Daryna is the only person to suffer this disorder among her species. It is speculated that without a cure, the memories will grow more frequent as Daryna gets older, rendering her incapable by the time she is fifty. Since it became relatively extinct after the Drell ascension from their home planet, nobody bothered to develop a cure or really any treatment besides archaic therapy that only has some success. Unknown to Daryna, this disorder was caused by the experiments she suffered while in the womb by the Batarian scientist. Daryna regularly meditates nowadays and practices other "zen" techniques to lower her stress levels and prevent these false memories from occurring. Her actual eidetic memories could also trigger either temporary deafness, blindness or (ironically) amnesia. She has somewhat severe short term memory loss and keeps a journal to remind her of things she forgets, in addition to other memory problems. Altogether, these problems affect Daryna's life daily, but she has found the strength to cope with them. Daryna began to publicly show ability for biotics when she was eleven. She always had the ability, but she hid it. She thought that only Asari should have biotics as that is what the schoolchildren told her, so she always felt wrong for her powers. She thought that biotics were a special privilege that she didn't deserve. When Weliyah discovered this, she sent Daryna off to a nearby school for training (as Illium is an Asari world, training Daryna in biotics was not a difficult task). Daryna surpassed the expectations of the other students and even the teachers, which ostracized her even more. She was a freak; nobody could speculate how she became so powerful, not even Khel Galdor, who only knew her parents as homeless stowaways who could never afford eezo treatment. Nevertheless, Daryna progressed and trained her abilities. She found that some simple biotic tasks came difficult to her, however one talent, the rare ability known as "Dominate", came naturally. She was able to control the minds of her fellow students an even her teachers, for a very short while, who were trained to resist such biotic ability. Her teachers decided that Daryna was too dangerous to be taught an expelled her at the age of 14. Khel Galdor was furious and wanted to see his little girl achieve her full potential, so he called on the old favor of his great-uncle, a retired traveling Krogan vanguard warlord named Khel Jarr, to take Daryna as an apprentice. Together, Jarr an Daryna traveled the galaxy together. Jarr taught Daryna that she had inner strength and helped spark her confidence, although the original self-doubt from her childhood remains with her. Together the pair mostly visited different bars and viewed landmarks and scenery of different planets, as Jarr did not have long for this world and wanted to see it all before he died. Jarr was undoubtedly a being of incredible power, but he never had time to train an apprentice. He tolerated Daryna's presence because Galdor was his favorite nephew, but he never taught her anything and often forgot she was with him. Daryna only learned what she could observe from Khel Jarr. By the time he did die, Jarr was 1611 years old and Daryna was 20. She returned to her parents, and by then Khel Galdor had started his own business of repairing ships and wanted Daryna to join him. Weliyah, however, wanted Daryna to undergo a 'Maiden' stage that Asari went through, where she would enjoy life and learn her place in the world. Daryna agreed, and explored Illium. She discovered that her Dominate ability allowed her to become very rich, very fast. She could walk into any house and make people give her their most precious belongings, which she would sell. She could just make people give her money, but she enjoyed the life of thievery. She could send money to her parents and there was a part of her that felt that the Asari owed her whatever she wanted from years of torment. She quickly became famous on Illium, reputed to be an elusive thief who could knock on your door and you'd invite her into your house as she stole treasures right under your nose. Obviously, her biotic talents were not well known. Part of her manipulation was to leave the image of an Asari in the minds of her victims, so Illium law enforcement, at best, got conflicting reports on who the thief was and never got very far in their searches. Daryna liked this reputation and tried to keep her biotic talents a secret. When she was 22, she left Illium and continued to steal from the richest people in the galaxy. She devised increasingly complex heists involving dominating more people, as the most enjoyable part of the experience for her was building her confidence and showing herself that she had influence and power. As her entire life was spent living as a outcast and a freak, she was glad to feel respected and even feared. She also enjoyed the thrill of the chase when/if she was discovered. Her habit of implanting false identities in the minds of her victims expanded, and she created various personas (some of which inspired by false memories) for victims to remember. Several thieves on galactic watchlists are actually Daryna's fabrications. Daryna didn't much care about Siame during her thievery. She could get around the mercenaries without trouble, however her parents were less able. Weliyah, still employed as a merc, was killed on a mission in Illium by Siame, who had recently established their presence. They found her identification on her body and traced her back to Khel Galdor, who occasionally dealt in black market goods to get parts to repair ships. They seized him and arrested him on behest of an unknown employer. Daryna does not know where he is to this day, but has vowed to destroy Siame to avenge her mother and free her father along the way. [B]Equipment:[/B] She carries an edge pistol made by Elkoss Combine, although she rarely uses it and doesn't have much experience with it. As of now, Daryna does not wear armor. She wears a black hoodie, black jeans and black boots. She protects herself with biotic shields. [B]Powers: [/B] Dominate Stasis Push Pull Barrier [B]Talents:[/B] Fitness Basic Armor Manipulator (Special Adept Class for Daryna) Pistol Electronics Final Notes: I plan to, by July 5th, create a dossier similar to what the Shadow Broker has on the squaddies in ME2. I thought that really allowed you to get inside their heads. Also, for loyalty missions, I'm debating between these plot points in her life: -Returning to Kahje to discover her roots, Drell culture, and her ancestry. -Finding Ravanor Irdon, the man who killed her biological parents, and take revenge. -The mad Batarian scientist tracks her down and attempts to perform more experiments on her -She frees Khel Galdor from imprisonment (I was thinking this could be more of an end-game quest) _________ [hider=SHADOW BROKER DOSSIER: FILE: Daryna Elehex (F) (24) (Dr.)][center]Extranet Activity of Interest[/center] Note: subject is extremely active over the extranet. She has a holoblog, several dozen videos and is active of several social media and online gaming sites. Nothing of importance to character or ability. Although she is active nearly every day, she is meticulous to never reveal her location and uses devices to shield her location from a protected operator. Search Terms (Log 1): Human spiritual beliefs Human Buddhism Human Taoism Why do humans go to war so much Current human wars Human World War 2 Quarian spiritual beliefs (Log 2) Why do Asari look the way they do Why do people like Asari How to look like an Asari How to look like an Asari as a Drell How to look less ugly as a Drell Do people like Drell Can Drell be pretty Drell beauty models Miss Universe 2173 Drell finalist Drell fashion tips Asari fashion tips Asari makeup for a Drell woman Log 3: Memory loss How to deal with memory loss How to deal with short term memory loss How to tell if you have depression Olindra's Syndrome Olindra's Syndrome Olindra's Syndrome Log 4: Khel Galdor Khel Galdor criminal history Tuchanka Marauders gang Ravanor Irdon Log 5: Where to sell stolen goods Kasumi Goto Famous Thieves Robin Hood human Was Robin Hood a real person What did Robin Hood do Good charities [center]Personal Correspondence[/center] Database: GalacticLovers SpaceCommandoJas: So you're really Drell? DaddysDrell919: Yes SpaceCommandoJas: That's pretty cool. I think I've only seen one Drell, let alone... DaddysDrell919: Sorry SpaceCommandoJas: Sorry for what? I'm just saying. It's pretty hot. Exotic. DaddysDrell919: Oh, thanks. I'm just not used to compliments SpaceCommandoJas: A Drell so far from Kahje must be able to get all the action she wants! DaddysDrell919: Well actually I've never done anything like that before FROM: Doctor Din Sioris TO: Daryna Elehex Ms. Elehex, I'm sorry. I've checked the records like you asked. I got my intern to double check. There is simply not a single Drell alive working on a cure for Olindra's Syndrome. You have my deepest sympathies, really you do, but you must see the logic behind this. The money that would be spent towards fixing a freakishly rare disease is now spent improving the life quality of Drell all over Kahje. My advice? Return to Kahje. Spread awareness. Maybe somebody will take sympathy. But Kahje needs you as much as you need it. Don't turn your back on our people, Ms. Elehex. Not with so little time left. Cordially, Dr. Sioris [center]Transcript of the Churchill robbery (As recorded on camera)[/center] Dean Churchill: Please come in, Ms. Elehex. Daryna Elehex: Thank you, Dean. Leonor Churchill: Dean, who is this? DC: This is my friend, Daryna. LC: But... she's a Drell, dear. DE: Yes, I am. Sorry to inconvenience you, Mrs. Churchill. I won't stay here very long. DC: Yes, I was just showing Daryna here to our things. LC: What? Dean, that is the good china! Put that back! DE: Thank you, Mr. Churchill. LC: What are you doing? Dean, what's going on? What are you doing with the painting? That's an original Monet! Be careful! DC: Daryna wants some of our belongings, dear. LC: I don't care! Get away from him, Drell! Dean, stop that! DC: It's ok, Leonor. Daryna wants some of our belongings. LC: I believe I might faint. DE: You look like you need some rest, Mrs. Churchill. LC: You're quite right, Daryna. I think I'll go lie down. DE: I'll hold your jewelry. It isn't ladylike for a woman to sleep in it. LC: Of course, my dear. Here you go. [/hider]