[center]Eira, [i]Mercy[/i]. South-East block. Mech pilot: Medium armour, 2x.50cal, jets & supportsys.[/center] --- There options were very, [i]very[/i] limited. Gaville, a former mech pilot himself, had said that his guns were of little use against his assailant. Eira had no reason to expect that hers, of a similar if not identical make, would have any greater effect. As it were, [i]Mercy[/i] was already seriously damaged, and would require significant repairs when he returned. Except that he would not return to base. She hated it, but she would have to leave [i]Mercy[/i] behind. There was no way he'd fit in those sewers. Despite her attachment to the vehicle, her personal designing, the painting, and the recent first "test run", he was just a machine, and her life—as well as that of her two companions—were far more valuable than a hunk of metal. Her superiors may rage at her return, but now firm in her resolve, she decided this was the only logical route she could take that wouldn't end in pointless sacrifice. [i]Goodbye, and thank you.[/i] Alongside Gaville and Roman, she positioned the mech in front of the sewer grate, facing their oncoming foe, and activated the floodlights to hopefully blind the enemy. Her gas mask already on, she quickly began to gather her things as she activated the release hatch at the back of the mech. The pressure releasing, she holstered her pistol, rifle, knife, grenades; she snatched up her radio, flashlight, technical kit, and her own black box; the latter two of which she stuffed into a large backpack she carried with her. In but moments, she had gathered all her needed items, and swung herself out the back of the mech to join the two men. The sewer grate opened, she motioned for the other two to go in ahead of her. Just before she herself entered the sewer, knowing full well their attacker was fast approaching, she pulled out a fragmentation grenade, pulled the pin, and tossed it into the cockpit of her mech. She wouldn't want any of their enemies to get their hands on their bunker's tech, common as it may be, and if she was lucky, the fuel for the jump jets might just ignite, as long as the reinforced ammo feed didn't protect it from the inside out. With a final goodbye, she dropped down into the sewer, activating her flashlight. Taking out her pistol, she passed it to Gaville. "I'm Eira, by the way. Nice to meet you," she said sincerely, with a half-smile tainted by worry, though masked by the gasmask.