Funny you should say that, Crya; I was fully intending to make a Shadow Broker-inspired set of in-character exchanges, Extranet activity, and otherwise behind the scenes things that don't fit into the main story but flesh out characters, their interactions and relationships with one another, or just for humour's sake, so it's good you had that in mind; because it's totally happening in an official way. I will develop it more when I decide if I want to have it be a part of the primary thread or a secondary thread. We'll see! Sovi3t, I do need to stress this game is Advanced level, and I'll be blunt that at the moment, your sheet as it is would not be one of the 8 I pick for the first roster. Here's a list of krogan clans, established by the lore: [I]Clan Drau - Drau Sorze is a "ruzad", or "judge", in the Republic of Ghurst on Tuchanka. Clan Forsan - this clan's leader declared being hit by pyjak dung is grounds for executing the trader responsible for introducing them to Tuchanka. Clan Ganar - Ganar Wrang, an exiled krogan battlemaster, founded the Blood Pack mercenary group. Clan Gatatog - led by Gatatog Uvenk on Tuchanka. Clan Hailot - clan leader Hailot Wrund controlled Garvug prior to the corporatist invasion in 2185. Clan Jorgal - a clan known to have one of the longest krogan breeding lines. Clan Jurdon - an enemy of Clan Urdnot on Tuchanka. Clan Khel - Khel Burrum is a krogan competing at Pinnacle Station. Clan Nakmor - a small clan located in the Kraddack Wastes; Warlord Nakmor Krall is a clan member. Clan Quash - Quash Hurgott is a Blood Pack commander. Clan Raik - source of the word "Aralakh", meaning "Eye of Wrath", which became the common name used by the galaxy to refer to Tuchanka's star. Clan Ravanor - the clan runs a mining operation on Tuchanka; Warlord Ravanor Tusk is a clan member. Clan Talyth - a clan who projected to rebuild a dreadnought on the planet of Tuchanka with the help of Elis Valterus. Clan Thax - the clan of krogan businessman Thax Vorak. Clan Urdnot Clan Weyrloc[/I] I'm not going to be going into detail right now because I'll be doing that after I get back from my vacation need with with all the submitted sheets, but hastily written down "journal" entries with lots of ellipses, sandwiching actions in text-speak stars, and for a fabled "interesting life", what basically amounts to a week and a couple scattered days hardly emphasizes much of a life at all. The Background section is not supposed to be filled out like a journal; it's supposed to tell me who your character is, what events shaped him, and to find out what your writing ability is like. So far it's... lacking. I appreciate your enthusiasm for getting something up so fast, but as stands, you might not be a good fit if that's representative of your role playing ability. Take a look around at the other sheets submitted so far and ask yourself if you'd be able to match comparable writing standards and character development. Makatsume, I'm going to be doing a bit more formal of a review later and I need to be getting to sleep, but I will be reading your sheet over in short order! So far, I like what's been posted from most of the players, and if anybody has any questions or concerns, feel free to ask!