Illiendi indeed follows, closes the doors and walks with his master through the halls, the candles flicker briefly at his approach but one would put that down to the breeze the pair kicked up rather than the malicious shadows playing at the corners of the light. Amano's tension was visible the deeper they went into this den of harpies and while tension alone would not ruin the plan there were some things that required a relaxed frame of mind. Watching his master intently he catches, not for the first time, the boys habit of pressing his fingers to the brand and a brief smile threatens to bloom across his face. How cute, for a mouse to feel so safe in an owl's wings opposed to the cat's claws, desperation and desire were what called him here and Amano sure had enough of both, albeit purer than most he'd usually serve. Upon entering the hall the reason for his discomfort was evident but those piercing blue eyes remained on his masters back until they reached the woman he called mother. She was pretty enough by mortal standards and there was a part of him that thought seducing and bedding her would be rather amusing, a sort of revenge on Amano's part. However he ignored such fleeting urges that would otherwise over power a normal demon and instead with movements as fluid as water took up one of her delicate hands, cupping it as one might a butterfly while the other rested with feather like gentleness on top. "My Lady, it is an honour to meet you." He dropped, with the silent swooping graceo f a barn owl, to one knee where upon he kissed the back of her knuckles, brushing his fingers briefly over the spot before releasing her hand and moving slowly to stand. "It is easy to see why you are considered the most beautiful woman in town, why, the other Ladies must be rather green with envy." The boys at the table got nothing from Illiendi, the demon giving them no more attention than if they were not even in the room to begin with. Their crude jokes were ignored and aside the blush that he saw from the corner of his eye, Amano did not rise to their bait either. "With your leave [i]My Master[/i], I will go and see if your cook requires any help in the kitchen. It is the least I can do to show my gratitude and I would be humbled if the sweet Lady of the house would at least try my dessert?" He flashes Amano's mother one of those smiles, gentle on the outside but caused blue eyes to deepen to caverns, "If of course, the idea suits you my Lady?" He offers as way of extending his manners, there were indeed ways to silence people and food was often the easiest of all. Since it was dinner time it was the perfect time chance to still at least some of the rumours. While ultimately he cared nothing of if the family thought he was cheap it was Amano's desire to see his family proven wrong about him in every sense of the word. While making him marry was not an option there was still this. He would show these stupid little mortals the skills he contained until the boys at the very least conceded he indeed had a superior servant. The one who commented about Amano's chances of laying a man 'that' good would also be receiving a visit from him in the night, comments such as that usually pointed to one reason, the brother liked men. He'd trick and trap the boy and make it look as if it were the brother tricking and trapping him, he wondered if the shame of being denied by a man 'like that' would sober and silence the bully. "I am of course at your families service for [b]whatever[/b] you might need while we stay here." Such said with a slight bow to the entire room half acknowledging the brothers presence for the first time. By Amano's leave he would make the journey to the kitchen as if he'd already stepped the halls for many years, the cook already grumbling about another mouth to feed and the worry Amano caused. With a smile and a touch to her shoulder Illiendi laughed lightly and asked forgiveness before stating he would make supper for his master himself to save the cook the extra worry. Sliding off his jacket and rolling up his shirt sleeves until they were folded neatly at his elbows he set to work with the ingredients he found within to make the young Lords dinner. No less than five courses was going to be permitted for his master, a true show of his 'worth'. The first course was simple enough, he cubed and lightly oiled and salted potatoes before throwing them into the oven, while they cooked he bought chicken stock to the boil with a little water and caramelised some red and white onions. The former cut into long thin strips and the latter diced quite small. When cooked they were thrown into the chicken stock, juices and all and mixed thoroughly ash e added pepper and salt to taste. The cook had a hard time complaining for if it appeared Illendi would be in the way the man simply pirouetted out of the way. The washing was placed in a bucket ready to scrub and he kept the surfaces clean. Moving as a man that had been married to the kitchen for more than twice his apparent age. When the potatoes were ready he carefully ladled a little of the soup into a clean, polished china bowl a top a small saucer and sprinkled some of the potatoes on top of the soup, garnishing with a little rosemary sprig, complete with the delicate white flower. This was transported to a silver tray where not a drop touched the rim of the bowl or the plate it was upon and Amano set about making his master a drink to accompany the food. Wine was the usual preference of a lord however something less harsh to start the day. Grinding lemon juice into water, adding the juice of a lime and two, large, fresh mint leaves he garnished with the curled zest of both fruits and placed it upon the tray, cup and saucer. Checking the silverware he polished the soup spoon until it gleamed and selected the cleanest napkin, folding it into the shape of a swan which rested behind the food and beverage. With the first course ready he bowed his head to the cook and whisked away with the tray balanced on the tops of his fingers where it did not so much as wobble and the contents did not so much as stir from their place. Once back in the room -and assuming Amano now seated- he strolled easily to his master where he took the swan and with a flick of his wrist tucked the napkin across his masters lap. "Your first course is a light Caramelised Onion soup with roast potato croutons." Such announced as it was placed carefully and effortlessly to the table, not a drop out of place. "After the long day you have had I forgo the usual wine and made a refreshing, palette cleansing lemon drink. I hope you do not mind." With the drink placed with similar grace to the table top he lowered the tray under one arm and offered that faint but devilishly charming smile of his. "I hope everything is to your liking [b]master[/b]? Would you care to hear the other four courses I will have prepared for you?"