"Heh, heh." Connor stared at the dragon, grinning ear to ear. The barrel chested golem reached his stone, boulder arms over his head, clutching his two fists together. A feeling of happiness rushed through him, through his shoulders, and into his two fists. This was beginning to get easier and easier as time passed. He could deal with violence more easily. Connor swung his fists down onto the dragon's body. It's body's muscles convulsed, it's massive wingspan opening with a sudden gasp of air. A satisfying crunch came from the dragon. The breaking of ribs, he guessed. Connor stared down at it for a moment. The dragon's claw twitched slightly. It still had a slight spark of life in him, a small bit of hope. He raised his arms over his head yet again, his hands closed together tightly, and brought it down. Another loud thud, and another loud crack. The dragon's scales got some significant damage done, the royal red scales shattering and cracking. Connor stared it down yet again, holding his fists together. The dragon lay down, not a movement within it. Not a twitch, not another breath. Connor breathed heavily, waiting a couple of minutes. Looks like the dragon had been finally finished off. "Alright. That's that." Connor brushed his hands off on his legs. His hands were peppered with dried blood, and most of his body was covered in long scratches and bruises. The corpses of the the others lay flat on the ground. "I suppose that's it for you two." Connor said, staring between the Dracoavian and the Phoenix. "