[i]'Well... at least it isn't an almost-full party,'[/i] Yukimura sighed mentally, both in relief and frustration before continuing on with his little trek. "Fine then. C'mon. I heard from a friend that the next village up has better mobs to farm for EXP and some decent quests. ...He was a <>, so I trust his judgement," he explained with a single half-truth. Having a 'friend' would be a decent excuse. Unnecessary attention was definitely one of the things he wished to avoid here. "Besides. That field'll be swarming with <> soon enough, and I don't want to waste time getting my kills stolen." Upon arrival in his desired area, he stopped in his tracks and, with a few swipes of his hands, brought up the Party Menu to send the request. He looked back to Lily, "Are you absolutely sure you want to leave your friends behind? I can always escort you back or go sifting around for one of those teleport crystal things."