"Right," Yukimura nodded in affirmative, side of his lips perking up just a tiny bit, "best be getting to the level grinding and all." The white-haired young man drew his sword. It wasn't anything flashy really, just beginner equipment. However he knew enough Sword Skills to make it work for him. At least until he'd get better equips on higher floors. On the other hand, armor could wait. He put all his points into the 'not getting hit' and the 'killing before you're killed' stats, so new armor was the lowest on his priority list. Besides, his penchant for light armor meant that the armor he got wouldn't protect him all that well [i]anyway[/i]. Speaking of armor, the hood on his basic gear did a pretty great job at concealing a good amount of his appearance. At least it didn't look like he was a husk, but he wouldn't be getting any modelling gigs any time soon. He'd also have to acquire another hooded equip, now that he thought about it. Spotting a few enemies in the distance, Yukimura nodded towards them before saying to Lily, "This spot's good. We'll farm mobs until.... Whenever. A couple level ups, maybe. Then we could head into the town proper for a bit of R & R. Maybe then you could go message your pals back at the Town of Beginnings, tell 'em you aren't dead 'n' all. I'm sure they'd love to hear that." That said, he activated his <> skill and got to work.