Let Gods Lie [img=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/014/c/f/year_of_dragon_by_uildrim-d4mbbak.jpg] Name: Svetlana Hiedra Augustine Age: 19 Gender: Female Face close up: [url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbypnfY43d1r8s0gio1_400.png]Here[/url] Eye Color: [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2008/162/c/3/Eye_serie_3_by_MelckyXY.jpg]Pinkish Purple[/url] Hair Color: Light Blonde Height: 5'3" Weight: 120 [hider=Species - Dragoth] The Dragoth Species/Race -- Physical Characteristics -- Other then the following, Dragoth are Human in appearance. Hair - Colors range from white to light blonde, and light shades of blue, gray, green, purple, and pink. Very rarely light reds. Never black or brown. Eyes - Come in all colors of the rainbow. Many have vertical [url=http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5303/5562610379_6e4212f2db_z.jpg]slit pupils[/url], or [url=http://missmabelstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/lula-green-eyes-1024x680.jpg]no pupils[/url] at all. [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/341/f/d/bald_by_knibitz-d6x5k1u.jpg]Heterochromia[/url] is not very rare to see in the Dragoth race. Skin - Skin colors range from white, Ivory, pale, alabaster, peaches, light tans, and in some of the old noble families darker beige. Under moonlight Dragoth people have a slight glow to there skin. On nights of the new moon (no Moon in sky) Dragoth skin glows silvery, and a pattern of scales [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/353/6/1/Scales_by_AuroraCarina_chan.png]appears[/url], until the sun breaks the horizon. Blood - Dragoth Blood is blue in color and also is the most deadly poison in the world. Half-Dragoth -- One parent of Dragoth race, and the other not, equals half-bloods. They are born sterile, and appearance wise look completely human, with few Dragoth traits. They can speak dragon like the Dragoths, but no other magical like things are inherited. There blood is purple in color and has healing properties when drank, and is used as an antidote to all poisons. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Basic Info - Dragoths are not affected by any poisons. Typical life span is to age 120 - 130 years old. When bound to a dragon add 400 years. They are only race that can understand and speak to dragons (this is done telepathically) The Dragoth people can form a sacred bond with a dragon, if the dragon chooses so. With this bond their life span become much longer and the ageing process slows dramatically. They are cold blooded in the same way as reptiles so they live in the desert heat rather easily. They are known for being fast, agile, very flexible, with quike reflexes and abilities to see in the dark. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Magic - There are many different abilities unique to the Dragoth Race, though out of the list of abilities, each dragoth person only has up to Two of them. Some magic and abilities are as follows: - Chameleon Camouflage - Control and manipulation of fire/lava/heat - High Stamina - Summoning of snakes that can be made to attack. - Omnilingualism: Can speak, write, understand and communicate in any language. - Retractable fangs that secrete a venom that can be deadly to some, but mainly just paralyzes the victim for a number of hours. - Rapid Healing - Dream walking: user is capable of entering the dreams of others. - Limb Regrowth - Pain Immunity - Shapshifting into a lizard/snake/falcon/hawk/frog - Elasticity: to stretch, deform, expand, or contract one's body into any form imaginable. - Hair Manipulation: user has complete control over their own hair, allowing them to freely alter, grow out, chance texture, color, etc. They hair can be made to be whip-like and used as a weapon. - Enhanced Senses All Dragoth have the abilities of casting magic (Like a Witch with spells and potions). Some are stronger then others. Plam, crystal ball, and tarot card reading, is a big part of their native culture. Magic Potion brewing, spell casting, curses, hexes, scrying, and Divination among other magics is a daily part of their lives. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- * Modern Dragoths live mainly all around the Desert and Jungle areas alongside the other races, and follow the typical human cultural and Traditions. So the following does not apply to them very much. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- * Native Dragoth's are nomadic and follow their ancient ways, and traditions of the Dragoth people. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Dress - Traditional Dragoth clothing is a mix of Egyptian, Grecian, and Asian style. Beading and embroidery are a big part of the typical female clothes. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Foods - Animal Foods - Javelina, dove, quail, snake, weasel, Deer, Tortoise, Hare, Addax, Bighorn Sheep, Ostrich, and Emu meat. All bird eggs, and Goats milk. Fruits - Pomegranates, Prickly Pear, ground cherry, rock fig, dates, Pitaya, acai, wild grapes, Lime, kiwano, marula, lemons, grapefruit, bananas, guavas, pineapples, mangoes, and Jujubes. Vegetables - Cactus, Corn, Jalapeno, Bell Pepper, onions, Chile Pepper, Habanero, tomatoes, wild plants, potato, olives, carrot, and Garlic. Bread - Is made from ground corn/nuts. tortilla, Corn meal breads, Other - Wild almonds, Sunflower seeds, Wattleseeds, coffee, chocolate, honey, ginger, mushrooms, nut butters, mint, lavender, vanilla, cinnamon, and other desert/jungle growing herbs. Poison plants & animals are very typical foods eaten by the native Dragoth. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Nomadic Living- Dragoth people are nomadic and typically move locations every 2-5 years. Living and roaming all around the Calliope Desert, and jungle areas. Some tribes move seasonally, and spend the cooler winter months in the north volcano mountains. Housing - The housing the Dragoth people live in is called a yurt, and is built off the entrance of there caravans. A [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/089/f/0/Kyrgyz_yurt_by_Jenishbek.jpg]yurt[/url] - is a portable, bent dwelling structure. The frame consists of one or more expanding lattice wall-sections, a door-frame, bent roof poles and a crown. The self-supporting wood frame is covered with pieces of woven grass/straw fabric, animal hied, and a felt like fabric made from sheep and goat fur, after all that it is then covered with canvas, for water proofing. The frame is held together with one or more ropes or ribbons. The structure is kept under compression by the weight of the covers, sometimes supplemented by a heavy weight hung from the center of the roof. A yurt is designed to be dismantled and the parts carried compactly on camels, yaks, or atop caravans, to be rebuilt on another site. Complete construction takes around 2-4 hours. [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/030/0/8/gypsy_camp_with_wagon__tent_and_fire_by_chikakohatanaka-d4o51so.jpg]The Caravan[/url] - Every family has a caravan that is lived in while traveling and moving to a new site. When they settle in a place, they build their yurt (hut/tent) around the [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/087/4/e/tent_interior_by_shaggyhandlz-d5zn2to.jpg]entrance[/url] of the caravan. Yurt Interior - [url= http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/62/e5/e1/62e5e18c30024800b42119c23e8c333d.jpg] Like this[/url] 1. expanding lattice wall-sections 2. bent roof poles and a crown. 3. Smoke hole. Smoke from the fire comes out through the opening. During monsoon season it is covered to prevent rain from coming in. 4. (there is no #4 in pic, but bare with me) The walls normally are decorated with intricately woven tapestries from ceiling to floor. The dirt floor, normally is covered in animal hides and large straw woven rugs. 5. Fire pit. A dug out hole in the ground lined with rocks. The fire pit is used for cooking and heat. 6. Support poles, they have hooks on them for hanging blankets and wet clothes. 7. Oven, and burners. Made of metal it is used for cooking. 8. Clay bowls, pots, and stone slabs are put atop the oven for cooking, boiling water, and warming food. 9. Clay/wood pitcher. Holds the fresh drinking water for the day 10. Table and chairs - Used for eating meals together, playing card games, doing crafts, and so on. 11. The frame is held together with one or more ropes or ribbons. 12. A heavy weight hung from the center of the roof. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Traditions, Ceremonies, Religion, and beliefs - Coming of Age traditions and ceremonies - Age of Maturity is considered age 15. It is a time when a Teen is considered spiritually and physically mature. The youth is then responsible for stating on his or her own behalf whether or not he or she wishes to remain a member of the Native Dragoth community. If the choose not to they are still welcomed as family and such but are not apart of the Ceremonies and other spiritual things. If they choose yes which is the typical answer: On their 15th birthday, the child undergos a ceremony called Masha, where they are initiated into the Tribe as an adult. They adopt a traditional Dragoth name which is added onto their Birth name. example: John Smith, Becomes, John William Smith. This name is only used in ceremonies, spells, and when inside the temples, and is typically only told to close family members, spouses, and infants. The ritual for the young Dragoth male involves shaving his head, and for the young dragoth Female to receive there first haircut. Both genders take off their Nicco, an amulet worn to mark and protect underage youth, which one then burns in dedication to the gods, they then bath in the sacred hot spring, that the Dragoth Temple is built around. They dress in the traditional formal garment, and walk the spiral staircase to the top of the temple with, chosen family members and priestess/priest behind them holding candles. Ones at the top they pray to the Gods for an hour or more, and then they ring the bell to signify they are no longer a child. They leave the temple, The family and friends gather for a celebration feast and dance that last all night. They are given a small blessed stone called a Caffa, it is used like a worry/pray stone, and is kept in they pocket/bag from then on. Marriage traditions and ceremony - Native Dragoth brides pick not one wedding dress, but three. First, the bride wears a simple [url=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/270/8/c/roman_inspiration____by_gwynndolyn-d4b34mq.png]white gown[/url] for the ceremony and vows in the temple. Next, the bride swaps into a traditional dragoth [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/237/1/2/blue_peacock_gown_by_elvenbutterfly-d47sqt3.jpg]wedding Gown[/url], an embroidered, slim-fitting frock that's usually dyed a Dark Blue for during the festivities, dances, and feast. Blue is a strong, lucky color in Dragoth culture. Finally, the bride ducks out of the Festival at midnight to change into a [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/121/c/b/adachi_by_rika_dono-d5mk95o.jpg]third dress[/url], this one is a short casual two colored dress made by the grooms mother, grandmothers, sister and other relatives. Each of the two colors represent the birth stone color of the bride and groom. Grooms have also have three outfits for the wedding. Starting with the simple white [url=http://www.chinatown-shop.com/images/p1/767.jpg]ceremony outfit[/url], that is wore into the temple for the ceremony and vows with his bride. Next he changes into the traditional wedding [url=http://www.mrxstitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Picture-11.png]robe, and boots[/url] for the festivities, dances, and feast. Lastly at midnight he changes into a [url=http://www.historyonthenet.com/Romans/images/romantunic.jpg]tunic and cape[/url], in the colors of his and his wifes birth stones. This outfit is made by his bride's mother, sister, grandmothers, and other relatives. The Vow Ceremony is held in the temple. The groom and the bride each walk down separate paths that form into one, where they clasp hands and walk to the alter together as family and friends stand on both sides of the path, holding flowers/candles, and humming the marriage song. When the couple reaches the alter they kneel down in front of the high priestess who then places her hands on each of their heads. The humming stops, and the priestess begins chanting the scared marriage prayer to the gods, and then she goes on to give the couple their unique blessing (fertility, longevity, protection, luck, prosperity, happiness, harmony, friendship, vitality, honesty, hope, etc...). Then the priestess ask them to rise to their feet, which they do, and she ties a rope around their grasp hands. She then pours pomegranate wine over their bound hands, and asked the bride to say her Vows, and then the Groom. They then kiss, and all of the family members and friends cheer, and whistle. The newlyweds then each take apart the bound rope around their hands, and kiss again. More cheering. The bride and groom followed by there closest relative leave the temple and head to the village center were the wedding festivities, dances, and feast is held. The newlyweds then separate to change into the second outfits, joining everyone in the celebration feast, they sit next to one another. After the feast there is dancing, and such to be had. this goes on until midnight, when the newlyweds then separate again to change into the last outfit. The music and dancing slows, and lanterns are lit and left to float into the night sky. family, Relatives, and good friends, give gifts, and blessings to the couple as the leave to their homes. The couple then spends there first night together in their new home. - Funerals - After the death of a Native Dragoth the funeral begins, the body is laid out in the temple on woven blankets made from dried vines and left for two day and two nights, for people to mourn and pray over. In the morning on the third day, the body is cradled in the woven blanket and carried by four priest to the spiritual ground behind the temple. Family and Friends dress in black and grays as they follow behind. The priests place the blanket & body in the large hallowed stone table full of dry woods and herbs. The spouse/parents/next of kin have sew together the deceased old clothes into a quilt which is stuffed with dry grass and leaves. The quilt is placed over the body by the family. The priest and priestess chant the departing prayer as they poor blessed oil over the body. The body is then cremated, the oils and herbs turning the flame blue. After, the ashes are collected and mixed with clay, and are made into beads, then painted by family members and hung in a tree, or cactus. - Temple - Priest & Priestess - They live in the temple and dedicate their lives to the gods. They hold/preside all of the ceremonies in the temple. Are keeper of the Dragoth ancient artifacts, sacred items, Historic scrolls, forbidden spells, and written prophecies. The spend most of their day praying, blessing, and making fancy bound books for the Dragoth people to write family trees, stories, Information, legends, and history in. They wear plain white [url=http://www.osfcostumerentals.org/stock/International/Asian%20Men's%20and%20Women's/slides/09033154%2009032956%2009035431%20Ethnic%20Stylized%20White%20Kimono%20w%20Rigged%20Second%20Kimono%20Wrapping%20Silk%20S.JPG]robes[/url] though many embroider on them. Dragons - are considered to be earthly gods, and are sacred beasts. Dragoth people believe that dragons are there ancient ancestors. The Dragoth people can form a sacred bond with a dragon, if the dragon chooses so. With this bond their life span become much longer and the ageing process slows dramatically. Afterlife - Dragoth believe that when they die their soul goes to live with the gods in the sky Kingdom, unless the gods decided they are not ready, then they are instead reborn. Temple - There are three Dragoth temples Two located in the Calliope desert, and the last one in Volcanic land of the north. They are large, tall, made from stone, and always built aound a hot spring. The Nomadic Dragoth always live with in a three days or less journey from a temple. Second Name - When adopting their second name during the Masha, they are always traditional Dragoth names. (Spanish and french names/words = Dragoth Names) [/hider] Job/Profession: A messenger part time and a traveler full time. Personality: She has wise eyes, and is what some call an old soul. She finds beauty and love in ordinary things. She is kind, sensitive, and empathetic towards most people, but she also is someone who does not forgive easily. She is loyal to people she loves, and is rather independent and intelligent. She likes to pass her time reading, writing, traveling, and painting. She is rather graceful, and elegant, in her movement and mannerisms. She is very daring and has a thirst for adventure. She is not made for the quiet life. She stakes all her property and even her life on luck, and being clever. She is strong, impulsive, courageous, agile, and sly. She is deeply moved by any soulful, or sad stories, and normally wants to help the person, but she is not gullible for she has extremely good Judge of character. Weapons/Possessions: - Dagger - Flute - A hooded fur-lined [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/184/9/d/9d05c9b8c38148038ad64b4e2be70cb4.jpg]cloak[/url]. - two days worth of provision. - her old paint and brushes - Her latest Embroidery project - a mini spell book - Line, hooks, and tackle for fishing. - Maps of the lands, and a old compass. - Money (the equivalent of $50) - two candles - Caffa stone - whatever letters/packages she was hired to deliver. - a bar of lavender Soap - seven changes of clothes, including the one she is wearing in above photo. [url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/341/4/1/sari___hakama_by_zemmer-d33m9f5.png]1[/url] [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/282/b/8/Quing_by_Israfel03.jpg ]2[/url] [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/074/6/9/For_Tori_by_chilali17.jpg ]3[/url] [url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs46/PRE/i/2009/218/2/d/Other_Worldy_1_by_Marcusstratus.png ]4[/url] [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/229/4/8/berber_tribe_dancer_by_leramar-d5be3pu.jpg ]5[/url] [url=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2009/345/2/0/Gondorian_Noblewoman_4th_Age_by_EllaNyx.jpg ]6[/url] - all of this is carried in two big leather satchel/bags she has secured to her saddle. Under her dragons saddle is a colorful woven blanket, she uses it on cold nights. Skills/Abilities: - Not affected by any poisons. - Can understand and speak to dragons (this is done telepathically) - Casting magic: Plam, crystal ball, and tarot card reading,Magic Potion brewing, spell casting, curses, hexes, scrying, and Divination among other things. (Like a Witch with spells and potions). - Rapid Healing - Control and manipulation of fire/lava/heat - Due to dragon bond her life span has become much longer and the ageing process has slowed dramatically. Background: Lana was born in Kembre, the largest oasis city in the vast Calliope desert. Her mother Enid, and father Maksim, had only gotten married when Enid found she was pregnant with his child, not for any sort of love, just responsibility, and then Lana was born. Enid was never the type to be a mother, or wife, having much more fun dancing, drinking, and seducing men at taverns. Being home with a baby, and doing chores was not her cup of tea. When Lana was two in a half, Maksim had had enough of it all, finding Lana home alone when he came home from work, among other things was not how he wanted his flesh and blood raised. He took Lana with him to live with his cousin just outside the city, in the little town called Vaters. They stayed there for a few months, but Enid came banging on the doors at all hours of the night demanding Lana back, and Maksim was to head off to battle in a few weeks, his cousins did not want to take care of a little toddler. Maksim ended up giving Lana back to Enid, because he had no other option, and he left for battle. Three months later Enid was sick and tired of being a mother yet again, and wanted Maksim to come back from battle, to take Lana off her hands, but instead she found out that Maksim had died in battle, axe to the chest. Not knowing what to do with a little toddler, she Dropped three year old Lana off to live with sister Enid's older sister Ivanna, in her home village of Roon. Enid was a native Dragoth, but she hated the traditional lifestyle with a passion, and wanted to stay in Kembre city, and be rid of all responsibilities. So from age three to fifteen, Lana lived with her Aunt Ivanna, Uncle Victor, and two cousins Olga, and Trina, in the little desert village of Roon, home to only Dragoth People. Lana even came to call them ma and pa, and considered her cousin to be her own sisters. Growing up in Roon was like a little adventure within its self, the canyons, and caves being home to many dragons, and magical creatures. The rocky cactus land always had lizards, and snakes lounging around in the sunshine, and was even home to some rare man eating flowers. Roon is a native Dragoth Village, also known as a moving village, and every five years the people and village move to a new location in the Calliope desert. Lana would play in the jungle like forests with her cousins, and with the other village children, climbing trees, racing, hunting, and picking cactus needles. She went swimming in the jungle Lagoon practically every day, and during the summer would go looking for fire, and moon stones with her family up in the volcano mountains. During winter she would sit by the fire with her family, and paint, or help her aunt with weaving on the loom, as her pa sang songs, and told stories, but most of all she loved to read about all the different plants and animals around the world. She got letters from her mother every few months, sometimes a package came with the letters, and Lana would always open it gleefully, only to see another fluffy dress or fancy hair ornament. She always wrote her mother two letters back, and would send along pressed flowers, and pieces of fabric she had embroidered. When she was eleven, her mother came to see her for the first time since she had sent to live in Roon. Her mother had come not see Lana specifically, instead Enid was dying from some venereal disease she had had for the last few years, and only wanted pity from her family, which she got none of. Enid died a few weeks later, a traditional Dragoth funeral was held, and Lana mourned for the mother she never knew. She painted two of her mothers death beads with flowers, and watched as Aunt Ivanna hung enids death bead chain high up in a large tree. When she was thirteen she found a dragon with a broken wing in the canyon. She helped mend the dragons wing, and the dragon flew off, only to comeback every day to see her. Lana and the dragon became friends. The Dragon later chose to be bond to Lana, and with that become her dragon, who she named Libellule. When Lana was fifteen had her Masha Ceremony. Later that year she decided that she wanted to see the world and travel all around, so she set off on the back of Libellule. She got jobs as a messenger, flying letters, items, and secrets all around, and that is what she has been doing for the past few years, along with going on her own little adventures, typically resulting in stupid and dangerous situations.