Jonas looked up at the large academy as he walked across the drawbridge that led to the institution. It was very different from the temple monastery he'd lived in for so many years. He wondered about the knowledge within the stone walls of this institute. Jonas could only guess at it. Soon, he would know it. Hopefully, rather than surely, but most likely nonetheless. Jonas walked forwards, cloak and robes fluttering in the wind that carried whispers of nature and promises of life. He would hold his book to his chest and approach the guard. When asked for his name, he replied with his name. "Jonas Eldrin." He would then be let in. A smile crossed his elven face. Jonas arrived in a grand dining hall, already having people in it, both students and teachers alike. A generation of knowing, ready to give their knowledge to the new generation that climb under their wise wings. Jonas was teeming with eagerness, hardly able to wait until he could learn from the teachers here. Though, it did not appear that way on the outside. To another, Jonas would appear collected and focused, which he was. Jonas wasn't as expressive with his body as others were; he preferred communication with with words. Knowledge is gained that way much more efficiently.