Taya hummed softly as she crossed the street. Her now empty basket swinging alongside her, bouncing off her legs on those irregular moments it touched them. Normally, she would have felt annoyance at the bouncing of the basket, but right now she was in an inexplicable good mood. As she walked through the streets she began to notice some strange things had happened around here. She looked at the cars and trashcans, that all seemed to be knocked away by a strong force. At the more decent neighbourhoods, people had already tried to undo the damage, but in the seedier parts of town, the trash from the cans showed a clear track. She sighed, unable to resist her curiosity tugging at her, trying to make her follow it. [i]This is my city, and I should know what is happening in it.[/i] She followed the tracks, her basket forgotten and still in her hand. When she came closer to its source, she cloaked herself in shadows, staying hidden while getting an idea of the situation. All the trouble seemed to have come from a group of men in an alleyway. They seemed to be fighting, or at least they had been, as one of the men kept another pinned to the ground, while another tried to get him off the unfortunate guy. Looking at the man on top, she realized with a shock that this wasn't a brawl between lowlifes as she had expected. The man was a cop... Grateful for her earlier decission to hide in the shadows first, she was about to sneak away when suddenly the world got quiet and the voice of one man was clearly audible. "You need to run, can't hold it back!" Strangely enough, the words actually kept her from running, curiosity winning it from her desire to avoid cops. That sounded awfully like something Tallented would say, and judging by the destruction that led her to this group of people, the man might just be one.