Time: 12:30pm Place: Central City Where: Defence Force Five Building Commander Black: “OK recruits I will only say things once so pay attention, so listen when I speak and we will get along nicely.” She did not have time for them to play fools today, they had a lot to go over and some had not turned up yet but she could not hold it off. Commander Black herself was a mother figure but don’t ever call her mother or mum as she is your superior even if you rank higher than her. She is your commander and you will lesson to her. Commander: “Follow me, OK first I will show you where you will be staying. Your rooms will be on site so we can tell where you are at all times…… Evil does not sleep, it does not take a break and more importantly evil will not destroy itself.” She leads them to the east side of the site, here were there quarters. A lovely complex where each room had a bedroom and private bathroom. The group would share the kitchen and common room and each will look after the property in question. Each had an assigned room in the same block and soon started handing key cards out. Calvin Miller had room three, Steve Smith had room four and Emmaline Coolridge had room one. The other two recruits had two and five. Commander Black: “My room is right across the hall from this block, I am here to help when you need it so don’t be shy. Now I would normally let you look your room over first but instead I am going to show you the rest of this place then you can do that. Now come with me.” She quickly leads them to the gym and shows them around. The gym had 12 treadmills, 12 work out benches, 12 weight stations, 12 training cycles as well as other things. There were four halls for private training and team based games. On the south side of this building was a juice and relaxation bar. To the left of that were three message rooms for those who needed it. The gym was open planned, glass panels ran round the room letting all the light in. In fact the this room had no real walls except for the rooms that were separate such as the juice bar, private halls and message rooms. The gym was also equipped with many TV’s which displayed different channels though a few were news channels. On top of that six powerful monitors were placed around the gym in certain spots, four of them being in the four corners of the room. Music would always be played, right now some metal track was playing, the gym owner loved himself thrash in the afternoon. Commander Black: “This is where you will train, four times a week you will run cross country at 6am in the morning. Four days a week you will be here in the gym working out because the Defence Force Five always need to stay fit. Of course you will have free time so you don’t need to moan about that. Now I will show you one of the more important rooms, the war room or control centre if you will.” She soon leads them to the most important room for the Defence Force Five. This building was in the centre and was the tallest building which stuck out like a sore thumb. In the lobby a statue could be seen of another Defence Force Five team, each posed in a different position. The thing was one of the members had a black sack on their head with a big red X across it. The lobby was very modern but the war room/control centre was very futuristic. Neon lights going off every second of the day, a big war table in the middle, many computers and machines doing various jobs and about 24 techs were scattered across the room. To the left was the suit up room where they would put there suits, weapons and other things were stored. In fact there was so much in this building it would be impossible to show them everything within 24 hours. Commander Black then leads them back to the lobby. Commander Black: “Well I should show you more but I am not sure if everything has sunk in so I will go over the rules. If you need me use your DF5 Phone which will be given to you in the next 24 hours or you can visit my office which is over there, I am available everyday between 8am-8pm. OK now more importantly you need to follow these rules: 1. If you leave the grounds please tell me or one of the others you have. During your free time leaving the grounds is an option. 2. Don’t start a fight with each other; if you do I will punish both of you. Sounds unfair but this is the real world. 3. Don’t play hero, no matter how good you are one cannot do things alone, trust me I know. 4. No running in the hallways…….. That was a joke. 5. If you must have your girlfriend/boyfriend over please state they are coming or if you are dating each other than keep certain things for the bed room 6. You must look after your equipment, we have techs to look them over and repair them but you need to make sure they work before entering the field. 7. No one should know you are a Defence Force Five member; evil will use friends, family and others you know against you. 8. You must attend all gym sessions, you must attend all classes but the good news for the classes is you have it once a week. 9. There are more rules but I will bring them up later…… Now does anyone have a question?” The statue of the five old members was seen again, she hoped no one would ask about that but curiosity was something all humans had and waited to hear someone ask about it.