There was a jolt... Joseph was in the air... Something hit him in the head... He was spinning out of control now... He started to fall... There was a snap... Everything went black... Joseph felt over his body with the little bit of energy he had left. He detected 5 broken ribs, a broken spine, a broken neck, a broken elbow, and a concussion. He looked up and saw a fire escape, still resonating with the force of that his head had so gracefully applied on the way up. Instantly, he got to work. There was a crinkling sound as his vertebrae shifted back into place, though it was more of a band-aid than anything. He would have to fix this later. Nevertheless, he got up. Then he got down. His head was still spinning, and he found it incredibly difficult to get back up again. Leaning on the wall of the alleyway, he said with a winded, broken voice, "Someone please get my suitcase, I left it in the bordello," and he halfheartedly limped back onto the sidewalk before turning around again. "Twilight Gardens Apartment Complex, room 216. I'd appreciate it if after all the trouble you've caused me you showed up at some point today." He stretched, cracking his back which was still in the process of healing. "Fools," he said on a closing note. As he headed back to his apartment, he tripped and bumped into other people and trash and any number of times. Falling onto his bed, he was about ready to fall asleep when he was greeted by the pleasant sound of the alarm ringtone specifically selected for his boss. "Hello?" "You're late." "I got mugged." "Oh really? Because last time I checked you had a gun and police training!" "There were four of them. They all had weapons." "Fine, just make sure you get to the scene tomorrow." "That's not going to happen." "And why is that?" "I have a concussion, and my back is," Joseph felt around to see how much progress he had made,"fractured." "You have a week." Joseph grinned. "A week is all I need." Joseph hung up, got up, made some coffee, and waited for whatever was next, all the while rearranging and reassembling his body.