Freedom... Allow me to explain why freedom must perish. Freedom is a poison in the veins of mankind, slowly it kills, with it's victims left ignorant to the cause of their death and suffering. Please do not feed me rhetoric of the joys of freedom, I have heard enough, I have seen enough, to understand the draw. For all of the joy it brings, it breeds twice as much pain. Those with freedom gain ambition. As they have it in their minds they can accomplish anything, they strive to see their dreams come to fruition, at any cost. Lives are stamped upon in pursuit of their ambition, and in turn hubris is hatched within them. War and conflict are a natural result of this, and it continues in a never ending cycle. The lands must be made one, and order must be inscribed in their body and soul, only then can peace become more than the naive joke that it is. To this end, I will crush the notion of freedom, and break the cycle of needless suffering. This world was one of constant conflict. The lands were separated, each with their own ideals and customs. The many hidden ninja villages maintained some semblance of order, either through rigorous righteous effort, or paranoid seclusion. Agreements of peace were often held, but the treaties always fell apart in some way. Wars broke out over land, power, even status. It was during the aftermath of a war between Iwagakure and Takigakure that a new threat arrived. An unknown army ended the war by decimating both of the village's ninja. A mysterious white haired woman was shown to be the leader of this army, she executed the presiding Kage, and removed the daimyo from power. The white haired woman revealed herself to be Shoko Izakami, the woman who would become the Empress of the world in due time. Her army confounded those that faced it. Not only was there unknown powerful ninja in their ranks, but many S-ranked missing-nin, and most mysterious and dangerous of all, she had many jinchuriki on her side, the powerful vessels of the tailed beasts. She began her conquest, and over the course of a year she crushed the military powers of village after village, until there was no plot of land not under her domain. Martial law was enacted within the villages, with civilians given jobs directed by the empire, and ninjas forced to take missions only approved by the Empire. Order had been created in the world, but at the cost of mankind's freedom. So a rebellion formed, spanning each and every village. With the Empire's army spread across the world, and the advantage of covert strikes, they have a chance of taking back their homes. But it will not be easy, The only Kage left alive is Kenji Uchiha, The Hokage of Konohagakure, who was terribly injured in battle with the Empress and her army. [center]Rules[/center] 1. No power playing or god modding 2. Adult language is fine, in moderation. Also no sexually explicit activities. 3. No bullying other roleplayers, try to play nice. 4. As of right now, there will be a limit to the number of clan members allotted. There can be a maximum of 3 characters belonging to the same clan. Also, if using a Uchiha, only one character of at least Jounin rank may posses the Mangekyo Sharingan. 5. None of the Kage are available, however you can choose to be a relative of the Tsuchikage or Kazekage. (PM me first with details) 6. The 1-tails, 9-tails, and 2-tails are unavailable, the other Jinchuriki are available however, as members of the Empire. If they joined themselves, or have had their beast sealed within them after the previous vessel was killed, is up to you. 7. This is an AU RP, meaning there are no canon characters. Except Hashirama and Madara, who founded Konoha and set the precedent for the ninja world. 8. I'm the boss. [center]Template[/center] Name: Title: (For characters 16 and up, what they are known as in the ninja world. Only for those that have accomplished something great or changed the ninja world in some way.) Age: (between 12 and up, keeping in mind that a very young ninja will not be very powerful) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Recent History: (You don't have to lay out your character's entire life, what they've done recently is fine) Allegiance: (Is your character with the Empire, the Rebels, or are they neutral?) Chakra Nature: (Chunin can have up to two, and Jounin up to three) Rank: Jutsu: (Keep in mind your character's age and rank. A 16 year old Chunin will not have several S-ranked jutsu. Also, don't simply list off a bunch of jutsu you think will be strong, keep in mind your character's chakra nature and try to be creative with it. You may create your own jutsu, as long as they are sensible.) Skills: (Here you should list whatever skills your character has besides jutsu, such as weapon mastery or lockpicking. Keep in mind that no character should be good at everything. And no.... NO endless chakra supplies.) Tools: (Any weapons or supplies your character carries with them. You shouldn't have insane amounts of tools on your person fyi.) [center]Rules regarding battle[/center] You may only use up to two jutsu within a given post, that, or a single S ranked jutsu. For other types of attacks, you may only take up to two actions at a time. As for prepared actions, such as clones and traps, you must have mentioned them in a prior post to them being used. Basically, no making things up on the spot that were not set up properly. [center]Characters[/center] Rebels [list] [*][url=]Kaede Hyuga[/url] - Soleaccord[/*] [*][url=]Karela Yatoma[/url] - Chev[/*] [*][url=]Natsumi Uchiha[/url] - Piercing Light[/*] [*][url=]Senju Arano[/url] - Kaitou Kid[/*] [*][url=]Yodai Touho[/url] - Tuujaimaa[/*] [*][url=]Uchiha Katsu[/url] - Sketcher[/*] [*][url=]Shiro Makoto[/url] - Seraph[/*] [*][url=]Arashi Yatogami[/url] - Masaki Haruna[/*] [*][url=]Souha Shizune[/url] - Tatsua Aiisen[/*] [*][url=]Heihachirama Senju[/url] - Syn[/*] [*][url=]Takeo Watanabe[/url] - SoleAccord[/*] [*][url=]Hozuki, Sangetsu[/url] - Lyfe[/*] [*][url=]Yukio Yagami[/url] - Kal-El[/*] [*][url=]Dren Hyuga[/url] - Chev[/*] [*][url=]Ametsuchi, Kyōakuna[/url] - yoshua171[/*] [*][url=]Yūdai Shadan and Yūdai Suishō[/url] - Innue[/*] [/list] Empire [list] [*][url=]Izari Turimora[/url] - Yog Sothoth[/*] [*][url=]Hyakune su Jikankizami, Ra[/url] - Tuujaimaa[/*] [*][url=]Shuya Hieantayatu[/url] - Durnehviir[/*] [*][url=]Remi Mitarashi[/url] - AeronFarron[/*] [*][url=]Yakoul Kakariko[/url] - Savato[/*] [*][url=]Tetsujin, Iyana[/url] - yoshua171[/*] [*][url=]Namine Akizakura[/url] - Ouroboros[/*] [*][url=]Keiko Senju[/url] - SailorMoon[/*] [*][url=]Nikuya[/url] - Piercing Light[/*] [*][url=]Nara Shiō[/url] - Innue[/*] [*][url=]Reitemu, Shijima[/url] - yoshua171[/*] [*][url=]Riven Wyvra[/url] - Prince Rivera[/*] [*][url=]Lovrina Senju[/url] - Savato[/*] [/list] Switzerland [list] [*][url=]Ryozan Tanzo[/url] - ruronihs[/*] [*][url=]Uchiha Sayaka[/url] - Masaki Haruna[/*] [*][url=]Seijuro Kizaru Nandate[/url] - Lyfe[/*] [*][url=]Taho[/url] - Azuris[/*] [*][url=]Nazo Yagami[/url] - Altered Tundra[/*] [*][url=]Yuganori, Kinuko[/url] - Tuujaimaa[/*] [*][url=]Tenshiyu Jishyaku[/url] - Seraph[/*] [/list]