Constantine, luckily had a day off from work.. he wasn't needed for anything and if he was called in it would only be minuscule, something minor, nothing too extravagant and frustrating. He was out in the streets, he was heading towards his apartment when he noticed a shady guy following him.. "About time, someone has actually figured out I run most of the security systems in this entire city, I don't even look like a millionaire do I?" Constantine was only 19 and was one of the cities largest security system managers, yet he never used the money.. he had a fake part time job at a large clothing store and lived in an apartment that was clean and suitable for somone with his "wage". Ce walked down the alley nearby, he didn't have a clue on how he would get out of this.. "Was this how I would die?" Constantine stood in front of a dead end and waited for the shady figure to catch up.. "So.. you found me" Constantine tried to act like he was in control of the situation.. even know he was freaking scared. He heard a gun shot and as soon as he blinked he realised he was walking on the alley wall, and the bullet had missed bouncing onto the ground with the metallic clink of most bullets. No time to think Constantine ran up the wall, it was natural as soon as he got back up he was on the roof and In what seemed like normal gravity.. "What the?" he thought for a moment, he had heard about kinetic abilities before, a supposed theory that everyone was born with the necessary DNA but might not have the level of intelligence or skill to use it.. He was defying gravity? Ce didn't make assumptions he had to find somewhere to practice this suddenly new thing, he didn't react like he should have, but he wasn't normal.. so he didn't suspect to. Constantine made it home safely and figured out what he wanted to do, he'd ring an old "Acquaintance" of his, somone he knew only from mere coincidence of bumping into them once.. He knew he had something like this, he doesn't remember how he found out, but he's sure he will spring him if he tells him to meet him at the North Construction Site on Berth Avenue..