As the visisth departed from the shuttle her humanoid form was already clad in what looked to be a perfect copy of the standard guard uniforms and armor that was worn by the defenders of the facility. The helmet served to cover her head and face, obscuring the few features that were not exactly right for a human and she appeared to only be carrying a weapon that looked quite similar to the guns used by the guards as well. In reality the Mal-Synth armor that she had used to disguise herself contained her other weapons within small enclosures in the metal that could open with a thought to allow her access to them. Unfortunately this necessitated that the URVI be left behind for the mission as it was too large to hide and too clearly alien to fit into her disguise. After she had disembarked from the shuttle her hands quickly ran over her body as if to check and make sure that the disguise was fully intact before they ceased their motion and she picked up the rifle once more, holding it in a professional grip. Her voice sounded perfectly human and completely at ease as she spoke quickly to other members of the team. "The plans show a higher concentration of guards in room 15 and you all don't blend in." She had checked the sight lines based on positioning and judged that it would be difficult to kill off the guards along that path without an alarm being raised. "Our alternative path is through room 28." The sight lines indicated that the guards would not have vision on each other and quick silent kills would likely be possible. "I will enter and subdue the two guards in the room." With this simple matter of fact set of statements Alsia turned, activating the first door and walking through into the hall that connected rooms 14 and 28. When she came to the door to room 28 she activated it to open and walked through, looking to all the world like one of the many guards in the complex.