As Rei takes his time to admire the scenery and come to his own conclusions he ties up his filly, petting her neck and complimenting how good she was, keeping her a suitable distance from the Stallion just in case. With the horses tied he easily scrambled a tumbled arc and stretched out like a man reborn in the soft light of the sun. Here everything was better, it was quiet, he could be who he wanted to be not the palace's pretty posing puppet. Oh he loved his family dearly, despite all they put him through but he always felt as if he were short on breath, as if he were falling down a dark chasm from which he'd never escape. It was why he rode as if his life itself depended on it because to him, sometimes it felt as though it did, as if it were the last time he would be able to. He knew all too well one word from his father, one angered word and he'd never ride like that again. He'd ride with guards as far as the market and back and never with the wind in his hair, his actual hair rather than the damned wig, or the feel of strong muscles rippling like waves beneath his legs. With a deep breath he did take to removing the wig, propping it on some jutting stone so he did not forget it and with an effort that took both hands he removed the straps and binds that held his hair in place, fluffing up the golden locks until they regained their natural waves and curls. Rei spoke up as he draped the last of the leather ties over the wig and the prince grinned that grin of his that said he didn't have a care in the world. "That is a fair summary, it is beautiful and tranquil, it should be creepy I guess but i think age has sucked the ugly out of this place and left it oddly beautiful." When the fae turned his musings onto the Prince himself he laughed out loud, it was not cruel and clearly not directed at the fae in the least, it was one full of mirth and humour, one filled with freedom but the sad realizations life brings. With all the grace of a deer he spun on his slightly mossy stone and allowed himself to fall backward gently enough to avoid damage. With hands behind his head and his eyes on the sky he mused himself on the fae's words. He was more himself here, or his room than anywhere else, he was free to be the him he wanted to be. It was rather ridiculous his former assassin and guard for a total of half a day had figured out more about him than his own family cared too. With what sounded to be a momentous sigh he crossed his legs at the ankle, "I do believe you are right Rei. I am happier here, I am truer. It must be so nice to be a peasant, don't you think? No mold you have to fit, no responsibilities, no pressure. The worst you could do is let your mother down and she'd forgive you soon enough, she's a mother. You say the wrong thing the worst that'll happen is you'll get a clip around the ear. People think living in a castle is easy, all you do is whatever you want to do and you've got the money to do it. It would break their hearts to find out that I'd trade places with them in a heart beat if I could." He rolled over to his side so he might watch Rei, "Lessons in history, geography, languages, reading, mathematics, horse riding, fencing, how to wave properly, how to walk correctly, how to sit properly. There's more etiquette than I'd care to remember and my head hurts so much from the lessons I have to take, I really don't know how my brother put up with it all." There was a weariness, a heaviness in his eyes that showed just how tired he was for a moment, then with that roguish grin he sat up, crossed legged and looked directly at Rei. "That's enough of that though. I couldn't change who I am even if I wished it for a hundred years. You can't get too far in but do you want a tour of the mounds? Or there is this beautiful bend in the lans up ahead, a pristine river that glitters in the sun and at it's banks the most vivid wild flowers i've ever seen."