[b] Daniel - Haywood - Emma/AudreyOthers [/b] Daniel pulled doused the rag with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and slowly applied it to the wound in Emma's back. "I don't understand... how did you rip the stitches [i]again[/i]?" He gently rubbed over the re-opened wound with the cloth. Emma winced slightly as it began to sting into the small of her back. "I was trying to- ow! Softer!" She objected. Daniel reached to the table and took the stitching needle, slowly working it into the wound. "You couldn't have had Doctor Riley do this?" "No way, this is like he second time- ah! - I've ripped them and he'd get mad if I told him." She spoke through forced winces. Daniel laughed lightly as she swore, audibly and loud. When Daniel was done, Emma let her shirt fall to her waist and she slid off the table. "Goddam-" "Hey, watch your mouth." Daniel retorted. He heard the door click open in the hallway and footsteps come audibly towards the kitchen. "Daniel?" Audrey's voice came urgently. "In the kitchen!" Audrey appeared moments later, out of breath and holding a slip of paper. "Rob gave me this! He said Anthony gave it to him, but was acting really strange." Daniel took the note and opened it, reading over the contents. [i]"Robert is currently or has already killed the male raider. His next move is to kill the woman raider. He plans to let the entire colony know that Daniel has failed to kill Tyler and that the child brought into our gates is the monster's daughter. He's going to deceive the people into believing that Daniel has been in contact with Tyler this entire time and that he and all of his supporters have ties with the raiders. He wants everyone to be against Daniel in order to take the title of mayor for himself. He is power-hungry and wont stop until he gets what he wants. Be careful with this information. Not everyone is trustworthy."[/i] "Son of a bi-" Emma coughed loudly. "Quote, unquote, "Watch your language"." "Not now, Emma!" Daniel snapped. He bolted up the stairs and came back down with a loaded pistol. "Audrey, get Henry, Rob, and O'Connor, meet me at my truck in fifteen minutes." He went towards the door. "Where are you going?" Audrey asked quickly. "To find Anthony!" The man stormed out of the house in search of the soldier.