[i]Jesus Christ, boss. Where do they get these people?[/i] He glanced first to Grace, finding her reply unbearably cheesy and Kyle's unbearably edgy. He decided Kyle's response was the worst of the two, and glanced towards him with unimpressed contempt. [b] "Jesus, are you even listenin' to what yer sayin'? Guess nobody suspects a fool 'till he opens his damn mouth."[/b] Wilson was honestly staggered to imagine that they thought there was a fair fight ahead. The fight was anything but fair - did they suspect that their smaller size would lend them some kind of an advantage? [i]Oh, fer chrissake's[/i], he thought, and decided to continue the thought verbally - half meant to keep his mind off of the impending combat, and half to put a little rain on the two's parade. [b]"You kids know you're too small to be doin' this, don'tcha? Watch too many goddamn karate movies. You ain't got the advantage 'cuz you're smaller. You ain't got the muscle mass or the bone density."[/b] He cracked a lopsided grin, glancing between Kyle and Grace with shifty eyes under his floppy cowboy hat - the only notable piece of appearal, outside of his prison tatters. [b]"You see that little girl just down the way? Weighs as much as a twig? She'll be the first to go, I promise you. It ain't about speed - it's about momentum. And you ain't got no momentum without either of those things. That lil' girl throwin' a punch would be like tossin' a rat at rhinocerous." [/b] He shakes his head, not mocking them but speaking matter-of-factly [b]"You lot ain't gonna snuff easy, that's for sure."[/b] He glances sidelongs at Grace. [b] "You're gonna snuff real, real hard."[/b]