[i][center]Millions of years ago, a large asteroid collided with earth, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. What nobody realized was that the asteroid housed an alien power unlike any other, granting the users amazing abilities. These powers were stored inside gems, looking very similar to the ones that we have on our planet. The gems came from a dying planet, who hoped that the power of the gems would not be used by the evil that destroyed their planet. The relatively small mining company Zerplus is well known for using advanced technology to mine further than normally possible. During recent mining trips, they came across five of several gems that seemed to be radiating energy. Because of the energy, the company decided that it was best to lock them up and keep them away until they could find a way to deal with the odd energy. Over a small course of time, the waves of energy seemed to have died down from the gems, and the company believed that it was okay to bring them out of containment, allowing people who worked at Zerplus to see the gems is they wanted to. What they didn't know was that the energy was acting as a beacon, calling out to other planets. The old evil that conquered the planet that the gems once belonged to woke up with because of the gems and set a course for earth, hoping to reclaim the power that slipped away from them.[/center][/i] I think that you all should know the basic, rules, so I won't be posting them here. CS: Name: Age: Appearance: Ranger color: Weapon: Personality: Bio: