[b]Name -[/b] Kaede Hyuga [b]Title -[/b] Lady Kaede, referred to by the Hyuga Clan and a majority of the villagers in Konoha. 'Shugotenshi' or 'Guardian Angel' in English to those outside of Konoha. [b]Age - [/b]16 [b]Gender - [/b]Female [b]Appearance -[/b] A pale, soft body with very feminine features would describe the base of Kaede. Like some of the women from her clan, her hair has a dark eggplant color to it, both long, straight and reaching mid-back with chin-length twin thin strands framing her face well. Training has kept her body in shape, but the welcoming softness has not disappeared no matter how hard she had worked. Standing at 5’8 she will be found standing straight at all times, confidence radiating from her own aura. The Hyuga have distinct white eyes, and as a Hyuga Kaede’s eyes show no difference from the others except for a tinge of lavender. Developing early, her curves are the envy of most girls her age. Her bosom is prominent and supple, her hips wide and her rump shapely. Yet with the combination of soft pleasant skin and the advantages a woman has with her qualities, she keeps her clothing modest and as loose as possible to keep these physical advantages subtle. Strikingly gorgeous, there is rarely a flaw to be found on her physically due to how much personal care she gives herself. Knowing all too well that you’re only granted a single body in the world, she does her very best to take care of it inside and out. She wears a loosened beige jacket with light lavender cuffs, typically zipped up to her bust and only parting slightly at her neck. The pants are navy blue and stop just at her ankles, the sandals at her feet black, and a standard shinobi pack behind her waist. Beneath her attire is a black plain t-shirt and underwear accompanying it, denying mesh armor on account of believing her medical skills and combat prowess could help her operate without it, and developed an appreciation for her body’s own freedom. [b]Personality -[/b] Kaede values life in almost every form and is willing to give hers up for the sake of another’s at any time, but this varies on whom and what’s at stake, since an enemy is still an enemy and one must be cautious. She is very friendly to those who treat her with kindness and hates to think badly of someone, but sometimes it cannot be helped. She is a pacifist and will avoid fighting unless there is no alternative, but she is a highly capable shinobi and can hold her own in most situations. Kaede is not prone to arguments and would rather not have them, enjoying a much calmer atmosphere than a harsh one. As far as enemies go, she tries not to have one, and as far as friends, she likes to make as many as she can handle at a time. Her enjoyments are simple; keeping others healthy and learning new ways to do it. Due to this desire, she is very motherly in nature and can be overprotective of family and certain friends, constantly reminding them to not push themselves too hard in achieving their dreams. At heart Kaede is a very warm and positive woman, but even she has a point where this all evaporates before her eyes. Some men and women in this world do things that cannot possibly be forgiven, and with this in mind Kaede can adapt a more …’realistic’ persona to better fit the circumstances that surround her. That state of mind is rare, but possible to witness after enough cause is given. The promise of comfort and peace is exchanged for lingering pain the likes of which she wouldn’t wish on others. If she isn’t working hard keeping others healthy and comfortable, Kaede is hopefully with friends and family, keeping her bonds strong. [b]Recent History -[/b] Kaede is not an avid supporter of the Empire and doesn't hide her discontent for their cruel needs. As the Main Families heir within the Hyuga clan and arguably becoming the strongest medical shinobi the world had ever seen, her clan and village both watched eagerly to see how great she could become. The Empire's attacks were brutal, but they hadn't counted on the shinobi they injured to return to fighting so soon thanks to her efforts and the efforts of the people that came to aid her. Because of the Empire's numbers and a failed attempt at a joint assassination mission with the Mizukage, the Hokage, Kenji Uchiha, had asked her to lay low. The Leaf's Guardian Angel was to remain a closely-guarded secret of the village and rebels, for losing her would bring a drop in morale and a significant power drop for them altogether. Agreeing with Kenji, Kaede has kept fairly hidden and with her head down as the Empire occupation grew more and more tense. Until now, Lady Kaede as she is known was rarely spoken of publicly, and the 'Guardian Angel' medic of the Leaf was met with skepticism by those of the Empire. She was one of the villages best kept secrets for a long, long time. She is aware, however, that she can't remain hidden forever. [b]Allegiance -[/b] Konoha/Rebels [b]Chakra Nature -[/b] Pure (chakra in its purest form, without elemental influences), Water. [b]Rank -[/b] Formerly Chuunin, the war had seen her promoted to Jounin due to outstanding service and leadership capabilities under stress. [b]Kekkei Genkai:[/b] [b][i]Ethereal Byakugan –[/i][/b] Regarded as one of the most powerful clans in Konoha, the Hyuga’s unique style of taijutsu and powerful doujutsu both earned them notoriety across the world, leading others to praise their skills and fear them. Kaede’s Byakugan had evolved due to her good-willed intentions in use rather than for pure combat, bringing it another state of usage for examination only. The Byakugan in its original form offered many uses; near-360 degree vision, visibility through solid objects, smokescreens and all but the most powerful of barriers. Vision of those that use techniques specifically to cloak themselves from average vision. The ability to follow high-speed targets. Lastly its ability to view chakra in all forms, flow and circulatory system fully included and color to go alongside it. Kaede’s Byakugan has adopted to her needs and is made much more distinct due to a brighter glow of her eyes, making her lavender tone much more apparent. The eyes had been referred to as ‘Celestial’ and ‘Ethereal’, some even claimed they could literally see ‘heaven’ when looking directly at her eyes long enough. Her evolved Byakugan is capable of seeing the internal systems of the human body even without a chakra flow surrounding it, making suppression of chakra fairly useless. This allows her to better perform examinations that don’t only pertain to one’s dangerous lack of chakra, and better find foreign substances in the body likely to be poison, or odd obstructions such as shrapnel. She can see the thump of one’s heartbeat resonating throughout their body, acting as a sort of sonar to her senses and allowing her to better locate people in a specific area. The full extent of her Byakugan, which she refers to now as Ethereal, is currently unknown. [b]Jutsu –[/b] [i]Alleviation Palm -[/i] Using her chakra, Kaede is capable of rapidly repairing many types of wounds at an extraordinary rate. Burns, severe cuts, in some cases even severing of body parts. Manipulating it well enough, she may even cause her chakra to move as if it has a mind of its own, and can use it to eradicate foreign substances quickly. Through increased practice Kaede has discovered that she can stimulate the chakra circulatory system of an ally to promote an accelerated return of their chakra, as well as bestow upon them some of her own. A technique she had made stronger with the Mystical Palm technique being a place to start, an intense enough focus placed on medical emergencies would allow her to accomplish things some might claim to be impossible in half the time of a normal Mystical Palm. Going further, Kaede is also capable of massaging, relaxing muscles and bringing a peaceful sensation to an otherwise tired and stressed shinobi. Speed of healing, stimulation and comfort is hastened with two palms utilized instead of one, nearly making some moderate wounds vanish in an instant. A-Rank healing technique. [i]Seal of Amelioration –[/i] By imprinting an individual or group of individuals with a seal that ties their health and chakra system to her, Kaede gains a major awareness of a comrade without need of seeing them, only feeling them. Able to maintain connections with multiple people at once, Kaede can effectively always know the state they are in. With a direct line to their chakra reserves and body’s physical condition, by releasing chakra from her own stores she is able to perform the same feats that her Alleviation Palm can do, although with decreased speed and restoration. Despite the effect not being as quickly noticeable to shinobi with minimal battle prowess, an extended engagement makes the seal shine the most. In an even battle, the one receiving her treatment is nine times out of ten going to prevail over the one without it. Kaede is capable of applying this seal to a limitless amount of individuals, and is able to penetrate clothing and armor to reach the body itself, commonly placed on the chest or the back. The seal itself often resembles a small sun and is blue in color, glowing brightly the closer Kaede is and the more power she’s putting into it. The farther the user is, the longer it will take for her chakra to travel the distance and reach the one she’s actively trying to aid, so it is preferred that she is within the vicinity for reliable aid. Due to the amount of stress this can put on Kaede’s own heart and mind, she can dismiss the seal by her will alone. The closer Kaede is, the warmer the seal grows, doubled by the chakra entering the seal itself. The greatest strength of the technique is that she does not need to remain still to bestow her power onto her comrades. She is currently working to remove the ‘travel’ aspect of her chakra and instead make it go directly through the seal itself. A-rank medical technique. [i]Seal of Nirvana - [/i]Considered by Kaede to be an incredible result from all of her training, the Seal of Nirvana technique is represented by a small sun-like shape below her collarbone with a lavender color. Storing chakra within it on a day to day basis to strengthen it. If ever a day would come when she had to put her life on the line to destroy someone too dangerous to leave alive, or if there were too many injured for her to heal all at once in a critical situation, she would release the seal and bear the burden of containing more chakra within her body than a human should be able to bear. Lavender like streaks would grow around her chest, yet the more bewildering part of the release is that the amount of chakra contained within her would overflow, causing a very intense and visible light purple aura to gather around her. The limits of this technique have yet to be tested, but the removal of this seal is only for the sake of others she seeks to comfort and protect with her strength. The rate of healing is increased tenfold, as is the amount of chakra bestowed to an individual at one time, even giving them ‘cloaks’ of her chakra to better protect and shield them. In most cases enduring this much chakra is painful, but she hides her pain with an intense stare of either peace or hostility depending on who she looks to. The limits of her techniques are broken, and new possibilities are created instantly. S-Rank healing/offensive technique. [i]Eight Trigrams Sixty Four Palms -[/i] When an opponent is within the clan members divination field of attack, they can quickly begin their assault. The technique allows the clan member to use the Byakugan eye to see the inner chakra coils system. Using the Jyuuken style, they can force their chakra through their hands into the tenketsu of the opponent's body through 126 strikes. First the clan member will strike 2 times, then 4, 8, 16, 32 and finally 64. This damage forcibly closes 64 tenketsu, stopping the chakra flow of the opponent. This then limits their opponent’s ability to use jutsu. [i]Protective Eight Trigrams Sixty Four Palms - [/i]The user will emit chakra from her palms and move her arms in sweeping pattern movements to provide a full 360 degree range of protection for her body. This chakra will be also be able to cut through most any target which dares penetrate the protective sphere. By expelling a sharper, stronger and more flexible amount of chakra, she can increase its effectiveness against more massive incoming objects. Kaede’s strengthened chakra control and stores have made her capable of deflecting and nullifying jutsu and summons of considerable strength with an appropriate amount of chakra used to fuel the defense in return. [i]Eight Trigrams Air Palm -[/i] Extending chakra from the body, the user will thrust their palm at the target. This will send out an invisible wave of chakra that can knock the opponent back, the force increasing the more chakra is thrust from the user’s body. Kaede at full strength can nullify certain projectile jutsu in quick succession. Eight Trigrams Rotation - If an attack is near, the clan member will release a large of amount of chakra from their tenketsu. The member then begins to spin like a top, creating a whirling vortex that can nullify almost any attack. [b]Skills – [/b] [i]Truth from a Lie –[/i] Kaede’s time spent with numerous patients both humble and proud opened her up to many stories they offered to tell her. Some stories were obviously exaggerated and others were humorously believable. Having spent a handful of years listening to others speak has not only made her an avid one, but it also gave her the ability to pick out a truth from a lie based on looking directly at someone’s eyes and hearing the tone of voice they used to tell it. Kaede is effectively a lie detector. [i]Remarkable Chakra Control and Reserves – [/i]Putting heavy focus on her ability to perform medical techniques, Kaede has compressed her chakra time and time again to make it more flexible and make room for further growth in her system. Because medical ninjutsu already takes incredible chakra control, it was no surprise that her reserves also become strengthened to perform the original techniques she herself had developed. Because of such intense focus in her work and the dedication necessary, Kaede’s chakra levels at maximum are comparable to Jinchuuriki. [i]Incredible Reflexes – [/i]Gentle Fist taijutsu had helped Kaede become very quick to actions taking place around her, training allowing reaction time to become considerable to help keep both herself and others alive in the heat of combat. Kaede can react to physically swift shinobi with some level of ease. [i]Taijutsu Prowess[/i] – Despite her focus on medical ninjutsu, Kaede is an adept fighter in close combat and should never be underestimated. [i]Undying Good – [/i]Kaede is the epitome of peace and calm, and it radiates from her body and very soul. If she is in no way intending to be hostile, most enemies will feel disarmed by this and hesitate in strikes and cruel gestures even if they recognize her as against what they intend. The aura surrounding her is positive and reassuring, offering mercy to those who wouldn’t expect to find it and bringing those surrounding her a level of comfort they may not have experienced since they were a child in their mothers arms. Because she is a strong center of good and morale positivity, Kaede is capable of being an excellent leader in the future, already being one of the Leaf’s best and brightest. [b]Tools -[/b] [i]Hyuga Healing Ointment[/i] - A medical agent used to hasten the healing process of minor cuts and burns. This agent is unique to the Hyuga clan and is not very useful with deadly serious wounds. However, it does provide momentary relieve and a cooling effect on the area it is applied to. It is a transparent gel that is held in a small brown container. While Kaede has outgrown the use for this ointment, she keeps it on her for a multitude of reasons, mostly to remember where she started, and remember that even without her chakra she still has the ability to help someone less fortunate. A chakra scalpel and small sets of kunai and shuriken accompany this.