[Robert] The blob who had recently joined us, who apparently went by the name of Miles just suddenly started asking some questions, and I answered all of them as best as I could, starting with "My name's Robert, and I have no idea who this guy is," I then point to the gryphon who just randomly joined, but seemed to have suddenly gone silent, or possibly in a coma-like state. I then hear the next question from Miles, which came after he gave his report on the situation, and add "Well... wherever it leads, it's gotta be better than here... and that thing that teleported through the portal looked familiar... no, wait, that might have been a piece to the same plate thing that was launched at that planetoid." After a bit, I then continue with "And who knows? We might need that thing in one piece to save humanity again... er, wait, to save the planet again... hm... I'll work on that one," I stumble over what the plate actually saved, given that now humanity's extinct and the planet has gone a little.... well, nutty might be a word to use, though, there are far stronger words I could have used, I'd prefer not to. I then hear Elena ask about a necklace, and say "Yeah, I've never seen anything quite like that," I then get an idea to make the portal somewhat safer, and breathe fire into it. The fire goes right through the portal and scares off whatever giant spiders were hanging around the place. I then think [i]Well, we're not getting anywhere by just standing around, and it seems like I'll have to be the test subject this time around... ugh, that's not my favorite job.[/i] I then dive right into the portal, coming out on the other side within a minute... what's weird, though, is that it felt as though I was simply flying through the air rather than through dimensions, worlds, or whatever it is I just flew through. The other side was, as expected, some sort of giant cave system... and I couldn't find the exit anywhere. There were torches lining the walls, however, it seemed as though they only really served to ruin one's night vision or something, as they didn't give off much light at all.