The Blood Dragon had noticed how people were gripping onto the rocks they had found. It was hard getting anything passed the Dragon that had seen most of what the realm had to offer. Though when his new mistress approached him, the Dragon seemed to be taken back by how she greeted him. It was so unusual to see her be 'cheery'. Ever since he had encountered her, all she had done was blame him and fight him. When he tried saving her, she beat on him to make him stop. If he had no scales to protect him? He would most likely taken his tail and thrown her off with it. The thought of how she saw him did enter his mind, making him wonder just how much she resented him for being just what he was? Maybe she was like the other humans. Maybe she was angry.. With a faint huff, he tried greeting her in this form. Letting out a snort and slightly murmur, he bowed his head and nodded to his rather large face to her. Looking at her hand, he tilted his head. That's when a kind of playful idea came to his head. Staring at her hand, Gore slowly licked his lips, making sure to emphasize the sound his jaws made. He only wanted to make her think he was considering of eating her. When she brought up where they were heading, Gore nodded and started to follow her slowly, making sure he kept his tail from flicking and possibly destroying a store or home. Of course the Blood Dragon had no clue where Kalandor was, the buildings had changed and landmarks that once were? Were redone or even demolished now. Hearing her bring up him turning back into his human form, he started to question whether she wanted him harmed or not. Did she really want him back in his human form? How could he do anything in that form, humans had good aim and even if he was a smaller, they could do -far- more damage to him. He got the scar he showed her from being in -that- form! Feeling her bring up the Camera made him huff in laughter. The Ancient Dragon tried his best not to laugh at the thought of someone so old as him, was using this..whatever it was, a camera? Like that. Despite the humor in it, he liked to think that he learned a lot. So he nodded and let out an enthused huff to try and show her how he was feeling. With a deep in take of breath, he was about to obey his mistress to turn back into his human form.. until he felt the thwack of a rock against his side. Immediately in response, the Dragon's wings extended around his new mistress while he endured it. He was going to protect her no matter how much his wings still bothered him. Gore's initial thought was to look at the human who came up to look at him, thankfully to find that they had retreated. It didn't seem as if that one had anything to do with it. A thwacking sound could be heard again as another stone was chucked at him. "That man in the uniform should'a executed the likes of ya!" Someone said, throwing a rock at Gore, hitting him in his cheek. Another voice carried on, it was a woman's. "That..that [i] thing [/i] murdered my husband! He's never coming home!" She was clearly trying to hold back sobs as Gore was being pelted more. Though what none of them would see due to the wings shielding the human in front of him, was the fact Gore's head had dropped and looked down at the ground as if it were in shame. His darkened teal eyes were clearly enduring what the crowd was saying. Didn't they know they came into his home!? Wouldn't anyone do the same if they were in his stead?! Of course they didn't care to think about that. They only saw a monster; A legend of blood and pain. After a short time, the rocks had stopped and they seemed to be clear. With a few steps, Gore let out a sigh and retracted his wings, folding them on his back. The look on his face was a conflict of emotions. It was a Dragons nature to desire conflict, to fight back and to live for the hunt. Though the look in his eyes? It had that and something else. After another few steps, he quickly began to shift back in mid walk, keeping his eyes down. He didn't want to look up to see anyone. Especially the younger Dragons who would barely know -him-. They knew the name that the humans gave him and their biased tales of what has come to pass, nothing more. Hearing about the saddle, he looked up finally, nodding to her. "Aye mistress, Uncertain as I am to the price of a saddle, it is assuredly required. Even in the shortest of times that the battle took place, you seemed uncomfortable. A flight back to your hearth would make any have trouble upon my scales and spikes. If you cannot afford it, I will attempt to offer labor or some other type of favor for the saddle." When she brought up how much she was thinking of bringing along, he only shook his head. "Dragons are great hunters, mistress. Few may know this, but I can prepare a meal with what I hunt that would suit your standards. A prior master had me trained to learn human dishes, and to know what they like." After a short walk, they managed to find themselves at a store that seemed to specialize in saddles for Dragons. The sign was lit up bright and there were different kinds of saddles in the window. All made out of leather. Large ones, Small ones and even different colors. Gore looked at it, blinking. The last time someone had purchased a saddle for him, it sure didn't look this glorified.. Walking into the store with his owner, the Blood Dragon kept his eyes down on the floor so she can deal with him. If his name was brought up, he would look up and acknowledge the man in the least communicated way possible. Gore knew his mistress somewhat, but he wasn't about to test her resolve -quite- yet. Whether or not they could afford it, or what his mistress chose. The Ancient Dragon started to head toward the exit of Desdemona after their shopping was concluded. Looking at his mistress, he then stared at the saddle they acquired. After a moment, he took a step back and shifted into his true form, wincing once more. Being hurt made changing difficult. Without a second to lose, The Blood Dragon laid on his stomach so she could reach him easier, lowering his wing to let her climb on him and place the saddle. If she had managed to place it on him, he would stand and help her strap it onto his properly. After that was done, he leaned back down so she could try out her saddle. It had to be more comfortable than the last time she had been on him. Once she was on, he leaned up a bit, gripping the earth before unfolding his massive wings, launching himself up off the ground. Within the second, the two found themselves in the sky with the airships and even a few of the air machines that she wanted to purchase. The sky seemed lively but not crowded from where they were. Seeking to find out how much tolerance [i] the [/i] Blood Dragon had may not be the wisest sake, but soon she may just find out what he truly thinks and feels of the situation and humankind in general..