[i]'Wow. He's smooth. I do believe mother wishes to drag him off right now. . .'[/i] Amano keeps his expression in check as Illiendi shows his respect for the lady of the house. However, something about the demon seems different when he's addressing his mother. [i]'It's that same thing that I saw when he spoke to the captain. Well, I suppose it is to be expected. He's here to serve me, and since I am his master, it is only natural he treats me differently. . .I wonder if anyone else notices. . .[/i] He internally rolls his eyes at the thought. Of course they would see it. Illiendi isn't exactly secretive when it comes to treating Amano as his master, as opposed to how he treats everyone not. For a moment he considers what is would be like to have that odd charm turned on him, or if even perhaps it has been already and he not noticed, however as once more those intense blue eyes meet his own all of his focus returns to the present. He is ready to reply right away, but something about the taller male's stance makes him pause, waiting for him to finish speaking. He can see his mother, looking once more a little dazed, smile and nod at Illiendi's question directed at her. [i]'Wow. . . I wonder if I look like that once in a while. I know I am not that way all of the time. I have to have my wits about me when speaking with Illiendi, least the flee my mind entirely. Mother seems quite distant at the present. I suppose when Illiendi is being charming, that I too have been so taken by him. However, I feel that perhaps he does not try so hard to win my favor. Even as his master, I do not suppose such interest would lay that way with me'[/i] His thoughts, while ones that would normally embarrass the young man, cause no outward reaction in the young lord's visage. When at last it seems that the demon is finished speaking he nods his head slightly, careful to stay as he's been schooled as far as posture is concerned. “You have leave to make use of the kitchen Illiendi.” It still doesn't quite feel right just giving the man orders like that, but he knows it is what is expected of him, master to servant. When Illiendi is out of sight Amano steps forward and takes his mother's arm gently. She still seems quite happy, but as he helps her into her seat she comes once more to her senses. The look on hie face tells him that she is not quite finished speaking with him in the matter of his plans to leave the estate. For once however Amano is glad when his brothers set into him fist. As he takes his seat at his mother's right hand Tawney eyes him critically. “So, twit, where'd you find a pet like that? He seems really full of himself.” His tone is highly corrosive, however with a discrete brush of his hand over his brand Amano keeps his cool. “I sent word to Marth some time ago for them to send me a manservant that would suit my needs.” A fierce sense of satisfaction races through him as they both look a little stunned. Marth has a reputation. There are many scholars and halls of education there, and many of kings of the surrounding countries have their servants trained there. [i]'I suppose that Illiendi knew that when he told me. I guess the world was not too different last he was here to know of the reputation Marth has'[/i] Some of his satisfaction must have shown on his face for moments later he draws his leg back, biting his lip from the pain of having his shin kicked under the table. He knew better than to complain aloud. His mother would punish Burtis without question, however in the long run, it would not be worth it. [i]'I have the distinct impression that if Illiendi caught Burtis getting his payback for my tattling, Burtis's head would end up on a pike somewhere, and while I don't much care for my brother, he is family. . . .'[/i] His lets out a slow breath and his mother looks at him curiously. He gives her a soft smile, the kind of smile she's always said makes him 'look so hansom', and she smiles in return with a fond look in her eyes. This earns him some silent teasing from his brothers about being a mama's boy, but he ignores it. His gaze wanders over to the kitchen door and the young noble tilts his head curiously. [i]'I wonder what he'll cook. I mean, he's a demon, but if he went in there with such confidence, does that mean he's good at cooking human food?'[/i] As he muses his mother asks Tawney and Burtis about their day and their plans for the evening. At least eighty percent of what they say is bull, but Amano isn't about to call them on it. Instead he begins working over he and Illiendi's plans, trying to figure out how to outline his activities the next day. He can only get so far on his own, knowing there are thing Illiendi will think of that he doesn't, and still have other things he will prefer doing alone. Amano's smile widens when Illiendi reappears before the topic of discussion has a chance to turn back to him. It is far easier to steer or avoid conversation when there is food involved. He sits back as the demon approaches, fixing the slight slouch in his back. He chides himself at slipping up, but as Illiendi reaches across his lap with the napkin all he can do is wonder once more at that fantastic smell coming off the demon. He does not have long to wonder as Illiendi announces his first course, placing each piece down with such smooth grace that even his brothers still to watch him in action. He can see the beginning sparks of jealousy behind their gazes, but after a quick glance he turns his attention to Illiendi and a light smile plays across his lips. [i]'His movements are perfect, his tone, beyond reproach, and his manner, well above astounding. He is everything one could ask for I a servant. He's. . .almost too perfect to pass as human. . .I wonder if that has ever been a problem for him'[/i] He tilts his head slightly, his smile still soft and light as he replies to the demon's questions. “It sounds quite delectable Illiendi, and the smell is beyond words, thank you.” He tempers his tone, making sure not to sound as delighted as he really feels. He knows his normal tone would sound quite childish with how he is feeling right now. Back by the kitchen doors he can see the servants filling out slowly to serve everyone else. “I would love to hear what else you have planned for this evening's meal. Proceed.” Picking up his cup he takes a polite sip as he listens to what Illiendi has to say. [i]'This stuff is nice. I am so glad he did not go with wine. While I can drink it, I have never developed the taste for it the rest of my family has'[/i] He wonders briefly if somehow Illiendi knows this about him, however he brushes the thought away, focusing on the demon's words.